<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Kepler.SDK" Version="2.15.6" />


Namespace with 21 public types


 AllowAnonymousAttribute Mark a Service or an Operation as allowing anonymous authentication
 HttpDeleteAttribute Indicates that an API operation will use the GET HTTP verb
 HttpGetAttribute Indicates that an API operation will use the GET HTTP verb
 HttpPatchAttribute Indicates that an API operation will use the GET HTTP verb
 HttpPostAttribute Indicates that an API operation will use the GET HTTP verb
 HttpPutAttribute Indicates that an API operation will use the GET HTTP verb
 HttpSuccessStatusCodeAttribute Service Host Custom HttpStatusCode.
 KeplerServiceDependencyAttribute Mark your assembly with this attribute to make it a dependency of another kepler service DLL. This enables you to have a Windsor Installer for Kepler services in other DLLs
 ProbesDefault Default implementation.
 RouteAttribute Customize the route used for Service Operations
 RoutePrefixAttribute Customize the route prefix used for Service Modules and Web Services
 ServiceAudienceAttribute ServiceAudienceAttribute
 ServiceBehaviorAttribute Defines a Service Behavior for this Kepler Service.
 ServiceModuleAttribute Identifies the class as a Service Module.
 StreamRequestContentAttribute Automatically streams the API's request parameters (excluding route parameters).
 StreamResponseContentAttribute Automatically streams the API response.
 WebServiceAttribute Identifies the class as a Web Service.


 Audience Audience enumeration to identify who the service is visible to.
 VersioningStrategy Versioning strategy.


 IAmbientContext Represents metadata that can flow with each service request
 IProbes Interface used to define readiness and liveness checks of a Kepler application.