<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Kepler.Client.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public class ServiceFactorySettings
Configuration settings for creating a standalone Service Factory.
public Credentials Credentials { get; set; }

The type of authentication to use for the connection.

public bool DisposeHttpMessageHandler { get; set; }

If set, the handler supplied in the HttpMessageHandler property will be disposed when the proxy created by GetClient<T> is disposed. Set to false if implementing your own pooling. Default: true

public bool EnablePooledHandlerCompression { get; set; }

If set, enable compression on the pooled handler. Default = true

An instance of an HttpMessageHandler object inject into the client proxy.

public WireProtocolVersion? ProtocolVersion { get; set; }

The preferred API wire protocol version to use. If not specified, the client will use the most recent version possible.

public Uri RelativityRestUri { get; set; }

URI describing the location of the REST API.

public Uri RelativityServicesUri { get; set; }

URI describing the location of the Services API.

public string UpnIdentity { get; set; }

If populated, this property should match the Identity in the ApplicationPool of Relativity.Services. Setting this value means that a WCF service with this identity will be trusted by this client.

public bool UsePooledHandler { get; set; }

If set, Kepler will try to use a pooled HTTP handler for the request. A pooled handler is selected in the following manner: - If HttpMessageHandler is null, the pooled HttpClientHandler is used. - If HttpMessageHandler is a default HttpClientHandler object, the supplied object is ignored and a pooled object used instead. - If HttpMessageHandler represents a pipeline of DelegatingHandler objects, then the innermost HttpClientHandler is replaced with a pooled version. Clients should set this to false when they are performing their own pooling or require single-use connections. Default: True

public ServiceFactorySettings(Uri relativityServicesUri, Uri relativityRestUri, Credentials credentials)

Instantiate ServiceFactorySettings, specifying the Services API location, REST API location, and authentication type.

public ServiceFactorySettings(Uri relativityServicesUri, Uri relativityRestUri, Credentials credentials, HttpMessageHandler messageHandler)

Instantiate ServiceFactorySettings, specifying the Services API location, REST API location, and authentication type.

public ServiceFactorySettings(Uri relativityRestUri, Credentials credentials)

Instantiate ServiceFactorySettings, specifying the REST API location and authentication type.

public ServiceFactorySettings(Uri relativityRestUri, Credentials credentials, HttpMessageHandler messageHandler)

Instantiate ServiceFactorySettings, specifying the Services API location, REST API location, and authentication type.