<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Infrastructure.SDK" Version="5000.0.1" />


Namespace with 22 public types


 Field Represents a field used to store metadata, choices, and other information in Relativity.
 MassOperationResult Represents a result of a mass operation.
 ObjectType Represents a custom object type added to a workspace.
 ObjectTypeRef Represents a key or reference to an ObjectType object.
 ProgressReport Represents a snap shot report of progress in a Kepler service.
 QueryRequest Represents a query request. It describes conditions, sorts and fields for the query.
 QueryResultSlim Represents the results of a returned by the QuerySlimAsync() method.
 RelativityObjectSlim Represents a streamlined RelativityObject with values that map to fields on a object.
 SampleDetails Represents information used to define a sample set.
 SampleParameters Represents information about how the sampling is performed.
 SearchIndexRef Represents a key or reference to a search provider.
 SearchProviderCondition Represents the parameters used to execute a query through a search provider.
 Sort Represents sorting information for query results.


 FieldCategory Specifies the category of a field.
 FieldType Specifies the type of a Relativity field, such as fixed-length text, date, single object etc.
 LongTextBehavior Controls the behavior that is used when a Long Text field exceeds the configured character limit.
 SortEnum Specifies whether query results are sorted in ascending or descending order.


 IHaveArtifactTypeID Enables a class to return the Artifact Type ID of an object.
 IHaveGuid Enables a class to return a GUID for an object.
 IHaveIdentifyingInformation Implemented by a class to indicate that it contains identifiers used for specifying a group of objects.
 IHaveViewFieldID Enables a class to return the identifier of the view field associated with an object.
 IObjectType Represents a Relativity Object Type.