<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Identity.SDK" Version="2.6.2" />


Represents a Relativity field.
public bool AllowGroupBy { get; set; }

Indicates whether the field can be used for grouping in Relativity Pivot.

public bool AllowHtml { get; set; }

Indicates whether the field allows HTML parsing on its value.

public bool AllowPivot { get; set; }

Indicates whether the field is available in Relativity Pivot.

public int? AssociativeArtifactTypeID { get; set; }

Identifies the artifact type associated with this field.

public bool AutoAddChoices { get; set; }

Indicates whether the choices associated with this field are added to an application automatically.

public bool AvailableInViewer { get; set; }

Indicates whether the field is displayed in the viewer.

public int? CodeTypeID { get; set; }

Identifies a single or multi-choice field.

public string ColumnName { get; set; }

The field's SQL column name. This is populated by AvfColumnName on the ViewFieldInfo

public string DisplayValueFalse { get; set; }

The text to be displayed for false yes/no field values.

public string DisplayValueTrue { get; set; }

The text to be displayed for true yes/no field values.

public bool EnableDataGrid { get; set; }

Indicates if the field stores its data in Data Grid or SQL.

public int FieldArtifactTypeID { get; set; }

The Artifact Type that the Field is on.

public FieldCategory FieldCategory { get; set; }

Defines the category of the field. This category will not change once the field has been created.

public int FieldDisplayTypeID { get; set; }

Defines how the field should be displayed.

public int? FieldTreeView { get; set; }

Identifies a view that determines the values displayed in the field tree browser, and the order in which they are displayed.

public FieldType FieldType { get; set; }

Specifies the FieldType of the field.

public string FilterType { get; set; }

Determines the filter type available for the field.

public string FormatString { get; set; }

Determines the format used to display Date or Whole Number fields.

public string FriendlyName { get; set; }

A user-friendly label for relational fields.

public FieldImportBehavior? ImportBehavior { get; set; }

Determines how blank relational field values are handled during import.

public bool IsArtifactBaseField { get; set; }

Indicates if the field is a base system artifact field.

public bool IsAvailableInChoiceTree { get; set; }

Indicates whether the field and its choices are displayed in the Field Tree.

public bool IsAvailableToAssociativeObjects { get; set; }

Indicates whether the field can be displayed on associated objects.

public bool IsEditable { get; set; }

Indicates if the field can be edited.

public bool IsGroupByEnabled { get; set; }

Indicates if group by operations are enabled on the field.

public bool IsIndexEnabled { get; set; }

Indexates whether values are added to a SQL text index.

public bool IsLinked { get; set; }

Indicates if the field is displayed as a hyperlink.

public bool IsReflected { get; set; }

Indicates if the field is reflected or multi-reflected.

public bool IsRemovable { get; set; }

Indicates if the field can be deleted.

public bool IsRequired { get; set; }

Indicates if the field is required.

public bool IsSortable { get; set; }

Indicates if the field values can be sorted.

public bool IsSystemField { get; set; }

Indicates if the field is a system managed field.

public bool IsSystemOrRelationalField { get; set; }

Indicates if the field is a system or relational field.

public bool IsVisible { get; set; }

Indicates if the field is visible.

public IKeyboardShortcut KeyboardShortcut { get; set; }

Metadata for a keyboard shortcut for a document field.

public int LinkLayoutArtifactID { get; set; }

The layout artifact ID to target from the field's link.

public int? MaxLength { get; set; }

The maximum length of a fixed-length test field.

public string Name { get; set; }

Field Name

public bool? OverlayBehavior { get; set; }

Determines how multiple value fields are handled during overlay imports.

public int? PopupPickerView { get; set; }

Indicates that a popup picker is used when choosing values for the field.

public int? RelationalIndexViewArtifactID { get; set; }

The view ID of the relational item pane.

public string TableName { get; set; }

The Table Name

public bool UseUnicodeEncoding { get; set; }

Indicates if unicode encoding should be used when storing the field's text value.

public object Value { get; set; }

The value of the field for an instance of an object.

public int ViewFieldID { get; set; }

Field View Field ID

public string Width { get; set; }

Indicates the width, in pixels, of the column displaying the field's contents in a view.

public bool Wrapping { get; set; }

Indicates whether the text ina field is displayed in multiple lines.

public Field()