<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Extensibility.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


Namespace with 26 public types


 ActionColumn Represents a column returned as part of the results of a script action.
 ActionColumnSort Represents sorting information for query results.
 ActionJob Represents a script action job.
 ActionQueryRequest Describes conditions and sorts to be returned for a Script result query call.
 ActionResultRow Represents the values of a single row of a completed script action job.
 ActionResultsQueryResponse Represents the results that are returned as part of an .
 EnqueueRunJobResponse Represents the result of enqueuing a script to be run.
 ExportActionResultsRequest Represents a request to export the results of a completed script action.
 ExportScriptReportRequest Represents a request to export the results of a completed script.
 MultipleScriptInput Represents the input to a Relativity script.
 RunJob Represents a script run job.
 ScriptImportRequest Represents a request for importing a script.
 ScriptParameterDetails Details about a Relativity script parameter.
 ScriptParameterValue Represents a possible value for a script parameter. Either can be used when specifying a script input.
 ScriptRequest Represents a request for creating or updating a script.
 ScriptResponse Represents the results of a read operation on a script.
 SingleScriptInput Represents the input to a Relativity script.


 ActionColumnDataType Represents the available action column data types.
 ActionJobStatus The available statuses for a script action job.
 ActionReturnType The available return types of a script action.
 ExportFileType The available file types that can be exported.
 RunJobStatus Represents the available statuses of a script run job.
 ScriptDisplayType Represents what data type the output should be when the script is run.
 ScriptParameterType Enum to represent the different types of script parameters.
 SortEnum Defines the sort direction for a Sort

Abstract Classes

 ScriptInput Represents the input to a Relativity script.