<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.EventHandler.SDK" Version="5000.0.3" />


public abstract class MassOperationHandler
Base class for mass operation handlers.

public sealed delegate UpdateCountEventHandler : MulticastDelegate

public List<int> BatchIDs { get; set; }

Gets and/or sets a list of integer values indicating ids included in a current batch.

public IMOHelper Helper { get; }

Gets and/or sets the Helper property of the mass operation handler which returns IMOHHelper object from Relativity.API.

public Artifact LayoutMask { get; set; }

Gets and/or sets a layout mask for a current mass operation handler.

public string MassActionTableName { get; set; }

Gets and/or sets a name of a temporary table where all ids will be stored for batching work of a particular mass operation handler.

public string Name { get; }

Gets a name of a mass operation handler.

Raises an event of a Cancel button click action on currently executing batch.

Raises an event to update the current count of executing batch.

Raises an event to update a status of a mass operation handler execution process.

public void ChangeStatus(string statusMessage)

Method which will update a status of a mass operation handler execution process.

public abstract Response DoBatch()

Abstract method which will execute a batch.

public void IncrementCount(int count)

Method which will update the current count of the executing batch.

public bool IsCancelled()

Method which returns True if a user clicked Cancel button on currently executing batch.

public abstract Response PostMassOperation()

Abstract method which will be executed after DoBatch() method.

public abstract Response PreMassOperation()

Abstract method which will be executed prior to DoBatch() method.)

public abstract Response ValidateLayout()

Abstract method which will execute validation of a layout attached to a mass operation handler.

public abstract Response ValidateSelection()

Abstract method which will execute validation of a batch set to be processed.