<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.EventHandler.SDK" Version="5000.0.3" />


Defines Page Interaction Event Handler.
public virtual string[] AdditionalHostedFileNames { get; }

Gets a list of additional file names that need to be hosted for the PageInteraction EventHandler to properly execute. These files must be added to the Relativity Application associated with this EventHandler and will be hosted on Relativity web servers.

Gets a list of client script blocks registered on a page.

public virtual string QuerystringFingerprintKey { get; }

Gets a key for querystring fingerprint.

public virtual string QuerystringFingerprintValue { get; }

Gets the executing assembly version.

public virtual FieldCollection RequiredFields { get; }

Gets a field collection specified for the event handler.

public virtual string[] ScriptFileNames { get; }

Gets a list of JavaScript file names to register with the web application. These files must be added to the Relativity application associated with this EventHandler and will be hosted on Relativity web servers.

Gets a list of startup script blocks registered on a page.

public abstract Response PopulateScriptBlocks()

Populates script block section of the page.

Registers client script block on a page.

public void RegisterLinkedClientScript(string scriptFileUri)

Registers client script section on a page.

public void RegisterLinkedCss(string cssFileUri)

Registers css file on a page.

public void RegisterLinkedStartupScript(string scriptFileUri)

Registers startup script on a page.

Registers startup script block on a page.