<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.EventHandler.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


Namespace with 56 public types


 Application Creates application instances.
 Artifact Creates artifact instances.
 Choice Creates choice instances.
 ChoiceCollection A class used to as a container for choice values.
 ChoiceFieldValue Creates choice field value instances.
 Console Creates console instances.
 ConsoleButton Creates console button instances.
 ConsoleControlTitle Creates a Blue Console Title
 ConsoleHeader Creates a Relativity styled header.
 ConsoleLinkButton Creates a styled link button with the LinkButtonCssClass default CSS class.
 ConsoleLiteral Creates console literal instances.
 ConsoleSeparator Creates a Relativity styled separator.
 Constants Contains default CSS class names for a variety of console components.
 DatabaseConnection Creates database connection instances.
 Field Creates field instances.
 FieldCollection Creates a collection of fields.
 FieldValue Creates field value instances.
 FileFieldValue Creates file field value instances.
 FileValue Creates file field value instances.
 Helper Helper class containing numerous enums useful for event handlers.
 Layout Creates layout instances.
 Response Defines a response object for event handlers.
 ScriptBlock Defines a script block for event handlers.
 UriImprinter Imprints a query value onto a URL.
 User Creates a user instances.

Abstract Classes

 ConsoleEventHandler Creates console event handler instances.
 EventHandlerBase This is a base class for event handlers.
 InstallEventHandlerBase Base class for install event handler instances.
 PageInteractionEventHandler Defines Page Interaction Event Handler.
 PostCopyEventHandler Defines a Post Copy event handler.
 PostInstallEventHandler Creates post install event handler instances.
 PostSaveEventHandler Defines a Post Save event handler.
 PostWorkspaceCreateEventHandlerBase Defines Post Workspace Create Event Handler base class.
 PreCascadeDeleteEventHandler Defines a Pre Cascade Delete event handler.
 PreCopyEventHandler Defines a Pre Copy event handler.
 PreDeleteEventHandler Defines a Pre Delete event handler.
 PreInstallEventHandler Creates pre install event handler instances.
 PreLoadEventHandler Defines a Pre Load event handler.
 PreMassDeleteEventHandler Defines a Pre Mass Delete event handler.
 PreSaveEventHandler Defines a Pre Save event handler.
 PreUninstallEventHandler Creates pre uninstall event handler instances.
 PreWorkspaceDeleteEventHandlerBase Defines Pre Workspace Delete Event Handler base class.
 SaveEventHandler Defines a Save event handler.
 WorkspaceEventHandlerBase Base class for Workspace Event Handlers.


 ICanExecuteWithLimitedContext Functions as a marker interface for executing event handlers without context information through the Object Manager service.
 IConsoleElement Provides the interface for console elements.
 IConsoleItem Provides the interface for console items.
 IDataEnabled Allows event handlers to interact with a database.
 IExecutable Allows event handlers to run execute method.
 IInstallEventHandlerProperties Interface that defines storage properties needed by the InstallEventHandlerBase class
 IRequiredFields Allows event handlers to get required fields property.
 ISuppressDelete When implemented by a PreCascadeDeleteEventHandler, signals that the event handler will execute the delete instead of Relativity. With this event handler, default delete behavior can be continued as normal by adding the ContinueDefaultDelete PostExecuteAction to the event hander's Execute response