<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.DocumentViewer.SDK" Version="5000.0.4" />


Namespace with 18 public types


 AddHighlightTermsToSetRequest Request to add new highlight terms to a set
 AttachmentInfo Attachment Information
 GetViewerContentKeyOptions Contains additional properties used for a conversion request, such as a document set identifier for mass conversions, and others.
 GetViewerContentKeyRequest Represents a conversion request containing information about output type, associated workspace, priority, and other properties.
 ParticipantRequestInfo Participant Request Information
 ParticipantResponseInfo Participant Response Information
 PersistentHighlightSetDTO Persistent Highlight Set
 SliceRequest Request to slice a Short Message document
 SliceRequestOptions Optional parameters for slicing a Short Message document
 ViewerContentKey Represents a conversion response object that contains information about cached documents, and a property indicating whether a notification message is sent.


 ConversionType Specifies the output type for documents being converted for display in the viewer.
 PersistentHighlightStateAction Represents the different Actions that can be taken while storing the Persistent Highlight State
 PriorityLevel Specifies the priority of a conversion request.


 IAgentWorkloadManager Workload Discovery Service Interface.
 IAnnotationServiceManager Annotation Service
 IDocumentViewerServiceManager Exposes the method used for submitting conversion requests through the Document Viewer Service.
 IPersistentHighlightServiceManager Exposes the methods used for interacting with Persistent Highlight Sets
 IShortMessageViewerManager Exposes the methods used to drive the Short Message Viewer