<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.Agent.SDK" Version="5000.0.2" />


public interface IAgentBaseProxy : IDisposable
An interface used for working with agents.

public sealed delegate OnMessageEventHandler : MulticastDelegate

string AssemblyPath { get; }

This read-only property returns an assembly path value of a given agent instance.

string ClassName { get; }

This read-only property returns class name used to define agent instance name.

bool Enabled { get; set; }

Property which indicates if an agent instance is enabled.

bool Executing { get; }

This read-only property Returns the flag indicating whether a given agent instance is currently running a task or not.

double Interval { get; }

This read-only property returns a value expressed in seconds describing an interval a given agent instance will perform its check-ins.

bool IsHealthy { get; }

This ReadOnly property Returns the flag indicating whether a given agent is healthy.

This read-only property implements IAgentBaseProxy.LastMessage

int LoggingLevel { get; set; }

This property gets/sets logging level of a given agent instance.

string Name { get; }

This read-only property returns an agent instance name.

Gets the start time.

bool ToBeRemoved { get; set; }

This property marks an agent instance to be deleted once its resources are released.

bool UseFixedInterval { get; set; }

This property sets an agent instace to check in on a fixed time interval.

This event is raised when agent gets disabled.

This event is raised upon agent disposal.

This event is raised when agent gets enabled.

This event is raised when agent starts executing.

This event is raised when agent execution throws an exception.

This event is raised when agent execution completes.

Event used to pass messages between Winform/Windows Service and AgentBase.

This sub implements handler for event OnAgentDisabled.

This sub implements handler for event OnAgentEnable.

This sub implements handler for event OnAgentExecuteBegin.

This sub implements handler for OnAgentExecuteException event.

This sub implements handler for OnAgentExecuteFinish event.

Handler for OnMessage event.

void Initialize(string Path, string assemblyName)

This sub is used to instantiate local assembly and agent objects.

void SetClassInfo(string assemblyPath, string className, int agentID, ILicenseMgr licenseMgrProxy, AgentType serviceType)

This sub sets basic agent properties - assembly path, class name and agent id.

double SetInterval(double value)

This sub sets an interval of an agent instance.

void SetReference(ref IAgentBaseProxy passBack)

This sub sets a reference between two objects of same type to enable 2-way cross-app domain communication.

This sub sets agent shut down to true when agent shuts down or restarts.