<PackageReference Include="Relativity.Server.API.SDK" Version="17.4.2" />


Namespace with 40 public types


 ContextOptions A convenience implementation for
 ExportStatistics Structure containing statistics of an export job required to create an audit record.
 LongTextRenderingOptions Represents information about how long text fields are handled during read operations.
 ReadOptions Represents information about how a read operation is being called


 AuditAction Enumeration for actions that can be audited.
 FieldCategory Defines the category of an in addition to .
 FieldImportBehavior Defines the behavior of blank relational values on import.
 FieldType Defines the type of an in addition to .
 LongTextBehavior Controls the behavior that is used when a Long Text field exceeds the configured character limit.
 PageMode Indicates the step in the page workflow in which a call to the event handler originates.
 SystemArtifact Enumeration for SystemArtifacts
 TextExtractionStatus Defines the Text Extraction status of an .
 ViewerContextMenuItemAvailability Defines the availablity of a in the viewer.


 IAgent Represents a Relativity agent.
 IArtifact Represents a Relativity artifact.
 IArtifactRef Represents a unique reference to a Relativity artifact.
 IAuditRecord Defines the metadata required to generate an audit.
 ICascadeDeleteAgentObjectTypeRef Parameters for agent delete.
 ICascadeDeleteDocumentObjectTypeRef Parameters for document delete
 IChoice Represents a Relativity choice.
 IContextOptions Options to pass to the IWorkspaceContext factory method
 IContextualInformation Specifies contextual information pertaining to the inheriting module.
 IField Represents a Relativity field.
 IFieldRef Represents uniquely identifiable information about a Field.
 IFile Represents a File
 IKeyboardShortcut Represents a keyboard shortcut.
 ILayout Represents a Relativity Layout
 IObjectType Represents a Relativity Object Type.
 IRelationalFieldPane Represents a Relational Field Pane
 IRelativityObject Represents a Relativity object.
 IResourceFileEventHandlerRef Represents an event handler in a resource file.
 ISearchProviderRef Represents a unique reference to a Relativity Search Provider
 IUserFieldInfo Information about users in the context of a workspace.
 IView Represents a View Object
 IViewCriteria Represents a condition on View Object.
 IViewerContextMenuItem Represents a Viewer Context Menu Item object.
 IViewField Represents a Field that is shown in a View Object.
 IViewOrder Represents a sort order of a View Object.