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public class ConfigUpdateHelper
public ConfigUpdateHelper ()
public XmlNode CreateChildNode (XmlDocument doc , XmlNode parentNode , string nodePath )
public XmlNode CreateNode (XmlDocument doc , string path )
public XmlNode CreateNode (XmlDocument doc , string path , XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager )
public void EnsureAttribute (XmlDocument doc , XmlNode node , string attributeName , string attributeValue )
public XmlNode EnsureNode (XmlDocument doc , string path )
public XmlNode EnsureNode (XmlDocument doc , string path , XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager )
public string GetFormattedXml (XmlDocument doc )
public void RemoveNodeIfEmpty (XmlNodeList nodelist )
public void RemoveNodesByAllAttributes (XmlNodeList nodelist , IDictionary <string , string > allAttributes )
public void RemoveNodesByAttribute (XmlNodeList nodelist , string attributeName , string expectedValue )
public void RemoveNodesByAttribute (XmlNodeList nodelist , string attributeName , Func <string , bool > compare )
public class DateTimeHelper : IDateTimeHelper
public interface ICanMassAssign
public interface IDateTimeHelper
public interface IDirectoryHelper
public interface IFileHelper
public interface IPathHelper
public class PathHelper : IPathHelper
public class Bundle
public class Collection
public class Config
public class ConfigurationException : Exception
public class Dictionary : DictionaryBase
public abstract class DictionaryBase : IDictionary
public interface IConfigDictionaryFactory
public interface IInstanceSettingsBundle
void ForceRefresh ()
bool ? GetBool (string section , string name )
Task <bool ?> GetBoolAsync (string section , string name )
int ? GetInt (string section , string name )
Task <int ?> GetIntAsync (string section , string name )
long ? GetLong (string section , string name )
Task <long ?> GetLongAsync (string section , string name )
IReadOnlyDictionary <string , IReadOnlyDictionary <string , object >> GetRawValues ()
Task <IReadOnlyDictionary <string , IReadOnlyDictionary <string , object >>> GetRawValuesAsync ()
string GetString (string section , string name )
Task <string > GetStringAsync (string section , string name )
uint ? GetUInt (string section , string name )
Task <uint ?> GetUIntAsync (string section , string name )
ulong ? GetULong (string section , string name )
Task <ulong ?> GetULongAsync (string section , string name )
public class Manager
public Manager ()
public static void ClearCache ()
public static string Decrypt (string input )
public static string Encrypt (string input )
public static IDictionary GetConfig (string sectionName )
public static IDictionary GetConfig (string sectionName , IConfigDictionaryFactory dictionaryFactory )
public static int GetSafeInt32Value (IDictionary settings , string key , int defaultValue )
public static long GetSafeInt64Value (IDictionary settings , string key , long defaultValue )
public static bool GetSafeTrueFalseValue (IDictionary settings , string key , bool defaultValue )
public static object GetValue (IDictionary settings , string key , object defaultValue )
public static void SetValue (string section , string name , string value , string machineName )
public class SqlConfigDictionary : IConfigDictionaryFactory
public class SqlServerConfigManager
public class SqlServerDictionary : Dictionary
public abstract class BaseContext
public abstract string Database { get ; }
public abstract bool IsMasterDatabase { get ; }
public abstract string ServerName { get ; }
protected BaseContext ()
public abstract void BeginTransaction ()
public abstract void Cancel ()
public abstract BaseContext Clone ()
public abstract void CommitTransaction ()
public abstract DbParameter CreateDbParameter ()
public abstract void ExecuteBulkCopy (IDataReader dataReader , SqlBulkCopyParameters bulkCopyParameters )
public abstract void ExecuteBulkCopy (DataTable dataTable , SqlBulkCopyParameters bulkCopyParameters )
public abstract int ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatement (string sqlStatement )
public abstract int ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatement (string sqlStatement , int timeoutValue )
public abstract int ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatement (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters )
public abstract int ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatement (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue )
public abstract SqlDataReader ExecuteParameterizedSQLStatementAsReader (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable parameters , int timeoutValue = -1 , bool sequentialAccess = false )
public abstract SqlDataReader ExecuteProcedureAsReader (string procedureName , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public abstract int ExecuteProcedureNonQuery (string procedureName , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public abstract DataSet ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataSet (string statement )
public abstract DataSet ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataSet (string statement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters )
public abstract DataSet ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataSet (string statement , int timeoutValue )
public abstract DataSet ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataSet (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue )
public abstract DataTable ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataTable (string sqlStatement )
public abstract DataTable ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataTable (string sqlStatement , int timeout )
public abstract DataTable ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataTable (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters )
public abstract DataTable ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataTable (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue )
public abstract DataTable ExecuteSqlStatementAsDataTable (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue , bool retryWithoutHashJoin )
public abstract DbDataReader ExecuteSqlStatementAsDbDataReader (string sqlStatement )
public abstract DbDataReader ExecuteSqlStatementAsDbDataReader (string sqlStatement , int timeoutValue )
public abstract DbDataReader ExecuteSqlStatementAsDbDataReader (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <DbParameter > parameters )
public abstract DbDataReader ExecuteSqlStatementAsDbDataReader (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <DbParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue )
public abstract List <T > ExecuteSqlStatementAsList <T >(string sqlStatement , Func <SqlDataReader , T > converter )
public abstract List <T > ExecuteSqlStatementAsList <T >(string sqlStatement , Func <SqlDataReader , T > converter , int timeoutValue )
public abstract List <T > ExecuteSqlStatementAsList <T >(string sqlStatement , Func <SqlDataReader , T > converter , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters )
public abstract List <T > ExecuteSqlStatementAsList <T >(string sqlStatement , Func <SqlDataReader , T > converter , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsObject <T >(string sqlStatement , Func <SqlDataReader , T > converter )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsObject <T >(string sqlStatement , Func <SqlDataReader , T > converter , int timeoutValue )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsObject <T >(string sqlStatement , Func <SqlDataReader , T > converter , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsObject <T >(string sqlStatement , Func <SqlDataReader , T > converter , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue )
public abstract SqlDataReader ExecuteSQLStatementAsReader (string sqlStatement , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public abstract SqlDataReader ExecuteSQLStatementAsReader (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <T >(string sqlStatement )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <T >(string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters )
public virtual T ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <T >(string sqlStatement , IEnumerable parameters , bool throwCancelledException , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <T >(string sqlStatement , int timeoutValue )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <T >(string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue )
public abstract T ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar <T >(string sqlStatement , SqlParameter [] parameterCollection )
public abstract object ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar (string sqlStatement , SqlParameter [] parameterCollection )
public abstract object ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable parameters , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public virtual object ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalar (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable parameters , bool throwCancelledException , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public abstract object ExecuteSqlStatementAsScalarWithInnerTransaction (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable parameter , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public virtual TDataReader ExecuteSqlStatementAsTReader <TDataReader >(string sqlStatement , int timeoutValue = -1 ) where TDataReader : IDataReader
public virtual TDataReader ExecuteSqlStatementAsTReader <TDataReader >(string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue = -1 ) where TDataReader : IDataReader
public abstract DataTable ExecuteSQLStatementGetSecondDataTable (string sqlStatement , int timeoutValue = -1 )
public abstract SqlConnection GetConnection ()
public abstract SqlConnection GetConnection (bool openConnectionIfClosed )
public abstract SqlTransaction GetTransaction ()
public abstract void ReleaseConnection ()
public abstract void RollbackTransaction ()
public virtual void RollbackTransaction (Exception originationException )
public sealed class Config
public class ConnectionData
public class ConnectionString : IConnectionString
public class ConnectionStringInvalidException : ApplicationException
public class Context : BaseContext
public class CreateFailedException : ApplicationException
public class DeleteFailedException : ApplicationException
public class ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException : ApplicationException
public string ExecutedStatement { get ; set ; }
public IEnumerable SQLParameters { get ; set ; }
public ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException ()
public ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException (string message )
public ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException (Exception exception )
public ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException (string message , Exception innerException )
public ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException (Exception innerException , string executedSQL )
public ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException (Exception innerException , string executedSQL , IEnumerable parameters )
public ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException (string message , string executedSQL , Exception innerException )
public ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException (string message , string executedSQL , IEnumerable parameters , Exception innerException )
protected ExecuteSQLStatementFailedException (SerializationInfo info , StreamingContext context )
public void SecureParameter (string parameterName )
public class ExistsFailedException : ApplicationException
public sealed class Helper
public static void CloseDataReader (DbDataReader reader )
public static void CloseSqlDataReader (SqlDataReader reader )
public static Exception CombineExceptions (Exception finalException , IEnumerable <Exception > otherExceptions )
public static void DeleteFromTableByForeignKeyID (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyIDName , int foreignKeyID , string prefix = "" )
public static void DeleteFromTableByForeignKeyID (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyIDName , int foreignKeyID , bool checkTableExistence , string prefix = "" )
public static void DeleteFromTableByForeignKeyIDs (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyID1Name , int foreignKeyID1 , string foreignKeyID2Name , int foreignKeyID2 )
public static void DeleteFromTableByForeignKeyValue (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyValueName , string foreignKeyValue )
public static void DeleteMultipleFromTableByForeignKeyGuid (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyIDName , List <Guid > foreignKeyIDs , string prefix = "" )
public static void DeleteMultipleFromTableByForeignKeyID (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyIDName , string commaSeparatedListOfIDs )
public static void DeleteMultipleFromTableByForeignKeyID (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyIDName , string commaSeparatedListOfIDs , int timeoutValue )
public static int ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatementRemotely (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , BaseContext context , RemoteDatabaseContext remoteDbContext )
public static int ExecuteNonQuerySQLStatementRemotely (string sqlStatement , IEnumerable <SqlParameter > parameters , int timeoutValue , BaseContext context , RemoteDatabaseContext remoteDbContext )
public static int ExecuteNonQueryWaitForDeadlocks (SqlCommand command )
public static Task <int > ExecuteNonSqlQueryRetryOnDeadlockAsync (Func <Task <int >> func , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static bool ExistsByForeignKey (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyIDName , int foreignKeyID )
public static void FillDataAdapterWaitForDeadlocks (SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter , DataTable dataTable )
public static void FillDataAdapterWaitForDeadlocks (SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter , DataSet dataSet )
public static string GetRemoteDatabasePrepend (RemoteDatabaseContext remoteDbContext )
public static string GetRemoteDatabasePrepend (string serverName , RemoteDatabaseContext remoteDbContext )
public static string GetRemoteDatabasePrependForDbo (RemoteDatabaseContext remoteDbContext )
public static string GetSchemaLessRemoteDatabasePrepend (string serverName , RemoteDatabaseContext remoteDbContext )
public static bool IsCancelledEvent (Exception ex )
public static bool IsConnectionTimeout (Exception ex )
public static bool IsDeadLock (Exception ex )
public static bool IsExecutionTimeout (Exception ex )
public static bool IsQueryHintError (Exception ex )
public static bool IsTimeout (Exception ex )
public static void RemoveFromTableByForeignKeyID (BaseContext context , string tableName , string foreignKeyIDName , int foreignKeyID , string prefix = "" )
public static Guid ToNullOrGuid (object value )
public static void TruncateTable (BaseContext context , string tableName )
public interface IConnectionString
public interface ILogGateway
void LogDebug (string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogDebug (Exception ex , string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogError (string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogError (Exception ex , string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogFatal (string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogFatal (Exception ex , string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogInformation (string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogInformation (Exception ex , string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogRetryEventMetric (string retryEventType )
void LogVerbose (string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogVerbose (Exception ex , string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogWarning (string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
void LogWarning (Exception ex , string messageTemplate , object [] propertyValues )
ILogGateway PushProperty (string propertyName , object value , bool destructureObjects = false )
public class QueryRetryPolicy <T >
public QueryRetryPolicy (Func <T > queryLogic , SqlExecutionLogger logger )
public QueryRetryPolicy (Func <T > queryLogic , SqlExecutionLogger logger , int deadlockRetries , int deadlockWaitMillis , int timeoutRetries , int timeoutBaseWaitMillis )
public QueryRetryPolicy (Func <T > queryLogic , SqlExecutionLogger logger , Func <int > deadlockRetries , Func <int > deadlockWaitMillis , Func <int > timeoutRetries , Func <int > timeoutBaseWaitMillis )
protected virtual Func <T > Failover (Func <T > baseLogic , Func <T > failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover )
public void OnAnyException (Action handler )
protected virtual Func <T > Retry (Func <T > baseLogic , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public void RetryOnConnectTimeout ()
public void RetryOnDeadlock ()
public void RetryOnTimeout ()
public void RetryWithoutHashJoin (string originalQueryText , Func <string , T > retryQuery )
public void ReturnValueOnCancellation (T defaultValue )
public T RunQuery ()
public class ReadFailedException : ApplicationException
public class RemoteDatabaseContext
public class RollbackFailedException : ApplicationException
public abstract class SqlBulkCopyDataReader : IDataReader
public abstract class SQLBulkCopyJob : IDataReader
public class SqlBulkCopyParameters
public class UpdateFailedException : ApplicationException
public class AsyncContext : IAsyncContext
public string Database { get ; }
public bool IsMasterDatabase { get ; }
public ILogGateway LogGateway { get ; set ; }
public bool OpenConnectionIfClosed { get ; set ; }
public string ServerName { get ; }
public AsyncContext ()
public AsyncContext (ConnectionData connectionData )
public AsyncContext (string connectionString )
public AsyncContext (string server , string login , string password )
public AsyncContext (string server , string database , string login , string password )
public static bool InitializeLogProvider (Func <ILogGateway > provider )
public Task BeginTransactionAsync ()
public IAsyncContext Clone ()
public void CommitTransaction ()
public Task ExecuteBulkCopyAsync (DataTable dataTable , SqlBulkCopyParameters bulkCopyParameters , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public Task ExecuteBulkCopyAsync (IDataReader dataReader , SqlBulkCopyParameters bulkCopyParameters , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public Task <int > ExecuteNonQueryAsync (QueryInformation query )
public Task <DataTable > ExecuteQueryAsDataTableAsync (QueryInformation query )
public Task <SqlDataReader > ExecuteQueryAsReaderAsync (QueryInformation query )
public Task <T > ExecuteQueryAsScalarAsync <T >(QueryInformation query )
public Task <T > ExecuteQueryWithConverterAsync <T >(QueryInformation query , Func <IDataReader , T > converter )
public Task <SqlConnection > GetConnectionAsync ()
public ConnectionState GetConnectionState ()
public SqlTransaction GetTransaction ()
public void ReleaseConnection ()
public void RollbackTransaction ()
public class AsyncQueryRetryPolicy <T > : QueryRetryPolicy <Task <T >>
public interface IAsyncContext
public class QueryInformation : List <DbParameter >
public sealed class FluentRetryHelper
public static Action WrapWithBasicRetry (Action func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public static Action WrapWithBasicRetry (Action func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator )
public static Func <T > WrapWithBasicRetry <T >(Func <T > func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public static Func <T > WrapWithBasicRetry <T >(Func <T > func , int retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator )
public static Func <Task > WrapWithBasicRetryAsync (Func <Task > func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Func <Task > WrapWithBasicRetryAsync (Func <Task > func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Func <Task <T >> WrapWithBasicRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> func , Func <int > retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Func <Task <T >> WrapWithBasicRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> func , int retries , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggregator , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Action WrapWithFailover (Action baseLogic , Action failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailOver )
public static Func <T > WrapWithFailover <T >(Func <T > baseLogic , Func <T > failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover )
public static Func <Task > WrapWithFailoverAsync (Func <Task > baseLogic , Func <Task > failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
public static Func <Task <T >> WrapWithFailoverAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> baseLogic , Func <Task <T >> failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
public sealed class RetryHelper
public static void BasicRetry (Action func , int retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator )
public static void BasicRetry (Action func , Func <int > retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public static T BasicRetry <T >(Func <T > func , int retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator )
public static T BasicRetry <T >(Func <T > func , Func <int > retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic )
public static Task BasicRetryAsync (Func <Task > func , int retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Task BasicRetryAsync (Func <Task > func , Func <int > retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Task <T > BasicRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> func , int retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static Task <T > BasicRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> func , Func <int > retrys , Func <Exception , bool > retryLogic , Func <Exception , IEnumerable <Exception >, Exception > exceptionAggratator , Func <int , TimeSpan > waitLogic , CancellationToken cancelToken )
public static void TryWithFailover (Action baseLogic , Action failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailOver )
public static T TryWithFailover <T >(Func <T > baseLogic , Func <T > failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover )
public static Task TryWithFailoverAsync (Func <Task > baseLogic , Func <Task > failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
public static Task <T > TryWithFailoverAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> baseLogic , Func <Task <T >> failoverLogic , Func <Exception , bool > checkToFailover , CancellationToken cancellationToken )
public class Config
public class Email
public enum AgentSuccess
public enum BodyFormat
public static Email Instance { get ; }
protected Email ()
public Email (Config configuration , SmtpClientWrapperFactory smtpClientWrapperFactory )
public static string GetErrorMessageText ()
public void SendAutoGeneratedPasswordNotification (string to , string from , string subject , string body , string userEmail , string url , string password )
public void SendCACategorizationNotification (string from , string to , string catName , string workspaceName , AgentSuccess success , bool hasErrors , string errMessage )
public void SendCASearchNotification (string from , string to , string indexName , string caseName , AgentSuccess success , string jobTypeMessage , bool stopped , bool hasErrors , string additionalInformation = null )
public void SendErrorNotification (string user , DateTime dateTime , string exceptionFullText , string emailTo )
public void SendErrorNotification (string user , DateTime dateTime , string exceptionFullText )
public virtual void SendNotification (string from , string to , string subject , string messageText )
public virtual void SendNotification (EmailOption emailOptions )
public void SendNotification (string from , string to , string subject , string messageText , BodyFormat bodyFormat )
public void SendNotification (MailMessage mail )
public virtual void SendNotificationHTML (string from , string to , string subject , string messageText )
public void SendProductionNotification (string from , string to , string prodName , string caseName , AgentSuccess success , bool fatal )
public void SendSelfServePasswordResetCompleteNotification (string to , string from , string subject , string body , string userEmail , string loginLinkHTML , string loginLink )
public void SendSelfServePasswordResetRequestNotification (string to , string from , string subject , string body , string userEmail , string resetLinkHTML , string resetLink )
public bool VerifyConnectionSettings ()
public class EmailOption
public class EmailService : IEmailService
public class Exception : Exception
public interface IEmailService
public class SmtpClientWrapper
public class SmtpClientWrapperFactory
public class Array
public class BitCollection
public class Buffer
public class BufferAcquisitionException : Exception
public class BufferPool
public class CacheItemValueInitializationException : Exception
public class CollectionParameterBuilder <T >
public class CombinedTextReader : TextReader
public class Config
public class DataSetFactory
public class DataTable
public class DateTime
public class DateTimeValidator
public class StringConverter
public static string FormatDateStoredAsString (string potentialDate , bool toLocal )
public static string FormatElapsedTime (DateTime beginDateTime , DateTime endDateTime )
public static DateTime [] GetDateRange (string rangeDescriptor , bool useUtc )
public static DateTime [] GetDateRange (string rangeDescriptor , DateTime nowValue )
public static string GetMonthName (int month )
public static bool IsDateTime (object value )
public static bool IsDateTime (object value , CultureInfo culture )
public static DateTime Max (DateTime firstDate , DateTime secondDate )
public static DateTime Min (DateTime firstDate , DateTime secondDate )
public static int MonthDifference (DateTime firstDate , DateTime secondDate )
public static int MonthOverlap (DateTime startDateOne , DateTime endDateOne , DateTime startDateTwo , DateTime endDateTwo )
public static DateTime ParseSqlCultureNeutralString (string s )
public static DateTime ParseSqlCultureNeutralString (string s , DateTimeStyles dateTimeStyles )
public static DateTime ParseSqlCultureNeutralString (string s , bool toLocalTime )
public static string ToDotNetCultureNeutralString (DateTime d )
public static string ToSqlCultureNeutralString (DateTime d )
public static int YearDifference (DateTime firstDate , DateTime secondDate )
public class DecimalHelper
public class DelimitedFileCell
public abstract class DelimitedFileImporter : RobustIoReporter
public class BooleanException : ImporterExceptionBase
public class DateException : ImporterExceptionBase
public class DecimalException : ImporterExceptionBase
public enum DelimMode
public class ErrorReadingCellException : ImporterExceptionBase
public class InputObjectNameExceedsFixedLengthException : ImporterExceptionBase
public class InputStringExceedsFixedLengthException : ImporterExceptionBase
public class IntegerException : ImporterExceptionBase
public enum WhitespaceStrippingType
public const int MAXIMUM_COLUMN_COUNT_FOR_LINE = 10000
protected char Bound { get ; }
protected char Delimiter { get ; }
protected bool DoRetryLogic { get ; protected set ; }
protected bool HasReachedEOF { get ; }
public DelimMode Mode { get ; }
protected char [] NewlineProxy { get ; }
protected StreamReader Reader { get ; protected set ; }
protected virtual bool UseConcordanceStyleBoundStart { get ; }
public WhitespaceStrippingType WhitespaceStripping { get ; set ; }
protected DelimitedFileImporter (char [] delimiter , char [] bound , char [] newLineProxy , bool doRetryLogic )
protected DelimitedFileImporter (string delimiter , string bound , string newLineProxy , bool doRetryLogic )
protected DelimitedFileImporter (char [] delimiter , bool doRetryLogic )
protected DelimitedFileImporter (string delimiter , bool doRetryLogic )
protected DelimitedFileImporter (bool doRetryLogic )
protected void AdvanceLine ()
public void Close ()
public bool GetBoolean (string value )
public DateTime GetDate (string value , int column )
public decimal GetDecimal (string value , int column )
public int GetInteger (string value , int column )
protected string [] GetLine ()
protected string [] GetLine (int maximumCellLength )
public string GetNullableAssociatedObjectName (string value , int column , int fieldLength , string fieldName )
public bool ? GetNullableBoolean (string value , int column )
public DateTime ? GetNullableDateTime (string value , int column )
public decimal ? GetNullableDecimal (string value , int column )
public string GetNullableFixedString (string value , int column , int fieldLength , string displayName )
public int ? GetNullableInteger (string value , int column )
protected virtual decimal ? ParseNullableDecimal (string value )
protected int Peek ()
public abstract object ReadFile (string path )
public void ResetLineCounter ()
public void Rewind ()
public class Directory : IDirectoryHelper
public class DirectoryElements
public class Drive : IDrive
public class DriveInfoWrap : IDriveInfo
public class DriveSpace
public class DriveSpaceException : Exception
public sealed class EnumExtensions
public class EnumHelper
public class File : IFileHelper
public class BaseException : Exception
public class Downloader
public class HTMLizer
public class LineCounter
public class Logger
public class Uploader
public const int KILOBYTE_FILE_SIZE = 1024
public static File Instance { get ; }
protected File ()
public string ConvertIllegalCharactersInFilename (string input , string convertTo = "_" )
public virtual void Copy (string sourceFileName , string destFileName )
public void Copy (string sourceFilePath , string destinationFilePath , bool overwrite )
public int CountFilesInDirectory (string directoryName , bool includeSubDirectories )
public int CountFilesInDirectory (DirectoryInfo dir , bool includeSubDirectories )
public int CountLinesInFile (string path )
public FileStream Create (string filePath )
public FileStream Create (string filePath , bool append )
public virtual void CreateTextFile (string path , string bodyText , Encoding encoding )
public void Delete (IEnumerable <string > deleteFileList )
public virtual void Delete (string filePath )
public virtual void Delete (FileInfo fileInfo )
public Task DeleteFilesTask (IEnumerable <string > fileList )
public virtual bool Exists (string filePath )
public string GenerateHashForFile (string fileName )
public virtual long GetFileInfoLength (FileInfo fileInfo )
public string GetFileNameFromPath (string path )
public virtual long GetFileSize (string filePath )
public virtual string GetFullPath (string filePath )
public bool GetReadOnly (string path )
public long Length (string filename )
public void MakeNotReadOnly (string path )
public virtual void Move (string sourceFileName , string destFileName )
public virtual byte [] ReadAllBytes (string filePath )
public virtual byte [] ReadFileAsByteArray (string fileName )
public string ReadFileAsString (string path )
public string ReadStringChunkFromFile (string path , int index , int count , Encoding encoding )
public FileStream ReopenAndTruncate (string filePath , long position )
public void ValidateFile (string filePath )
public class FileSystem
public class GenericCsvReader : DelimitedFileImporter
public class GuidBuilder
public class HtmlUtility
public interface IDrive
public interface IDriveInfo
public class Image
public abstract class ImporterExceptionBase : Exception
protected ImporterExceptionBase ()
protected ImporterExceptionBase (string message )
protected ImporterExceptionBase (string message , Exception innerException )
protected ImporterExceptionBase (SerializationInfo info , StreamingContext context )
protected ImporterExceptionBase (long row , string fieldName , string additionalInfo )
protected ImporterExceptionBase (Exception innerException , long row , string fieldName , string additionalInfo )
protected ImporterExceptionBase (long row , int column , string additionalInfo )
protected ImporterExceptionBase (Exception innerException , long row , int column , string additionalInfo )
public abstract class ImprovedDelimitedFileImporter
public enum DelimMode
public enum WhitespaceStrippingType
protected char Bound { get ; }
protected int CurrentLineNumber { get ; }
protected char Delimiter { get ; }
protected bool HasReachedEOF { get ; }
public long MaximumLongFieldLength { get ; set ; }
public DelimMode Mode { get ; }
protected char [] NewlineProxy { get ; }
protected StreamReader Reader { get ; protected set ; }
public WhitespaceStrippingType WhitespaceStripping { get ; set ; }
protected ImprovedDelimitedFileImporter (char [] delimiter , char [] bound , char [] newLineProxy )
protected ImprovedDelimitedFileImporter (string delimiter , string bound , string newLineProxy )
protected ImprovedDelimitedFileImporter (char [] delimiter )
protected ImprovedDelimitedFileImporter (string delimiter )
protected ImprovedDelimitedFileImporter ()
public static string ValidateStringForVarChar (string value , int column , int fieldLength , int currentLineNumber , string displayName )
public void Close ()
public bool GetBoolean (string value )
public DateTime GetDate (string value , int column )
public decimal GetDecimal (string value , int column )
public int GetInteger (string value , int column )
protected DelimitedFileCell [] GetLine ()
public bool ? GetNullableBoolean (string value , int column )
public DateTime ? GetNullableDateTime (string value , int column )
public decimal ? GetNullableDecimal (string value , int column )
public string GetNullableFixedString (string value , int column , int fieldLength )
public int ? GetNullableInteger (string value , int column )
public abstract object ReadFile (string path )
public void ResetLineCounter ()
public void Rewind ()
public class InjectionManager
public interface IRetryLogger
void LogInit (int retryAttempts , int waitTime )
void LogRetry (Exception retryableException , int attemptNumber , int waitTime )
public interface ISearchQueryTranslator
public class JdbcHelper
public class LazyMemoryCache
public enum ExpirationType
public static LazyMemoryCache Instance { get ; }
protected LazyMemoryCache ()
public void Clear ()
public object GetOrAdd (string key , object factoryData , Func <string , object , CancellationToken , object > valueFactory , Action <string , object , object , CacheEntryRemovedReason > removeCallback , TimeSpan expirationTimeSpan , ExpirationType expirationType , TimeSpan maxValueFactoryExeuctionTime , int maxValueFactoryRetryAttempts = 1 )
public void Remove (string key )
public abstract class LazyTableCache <TDictionaryKey , TDictionaryValue , TFactoryData >
public abstract class LazyTableCacheAsList <TListValue , TFactoryData >
public class MD5
public class NullableTypesEnhanced
public class NullableTypesHelper
public class Observer
public class OnProcessFileEvent
public class ParameterCompression
public class ParameterSerialization
public class ProcessHelper
public class QueryStringBuilder
public class RecursiveFileProcessor
public sealed class RetryHelper
public static T ExecuteFunctionWithRetry <T >(Func <T > funcDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime , Func <Exception , bool > isRetryableDelegate )
public static T ExecuteFunctionWithRetry <T >(Func <T > funcDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime )
public static Task <T > ExecuteFunctionWithRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> funcDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime , Func <Exception , bool > isRetryableDelegate )
public static Task <T > ExecuteFunctionWithRetryAsync <T >(Func <Task <T >> funcDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime )
public static int ExecuteSubWithRetry (Action subDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime , Func <Exception , bool > isRetryableDelegate , IRetryLogger logger )
public static int ExecuteSubWithRetry (Action subDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime , Func <Exception , bool > isRetryableDelegate )
public static int ExecuteSubWithRetry (Action subDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime )
public static Task <int > ExecuteSubWithRetryAsync (Func <Task > subDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime , Func <Exception , bool > isRetryableDelegate )
public static Task <int > ExecuteSubWithRetryAsync (Func <Task > subDelegate , int retryAttempts , int waitTime )
public abstract class RobustIoReporter
public class SafeFindHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
public class SHA1
public class SQLInjectionHelper
public class Stream
public class Strings
public class InvariantStringComparer : IEqualityComparer <string >
public Strings ()
public static string AddSpacesToString (string str , int interval )
public static string BuildBulletedList <T >(List <T > objs )
public static string EnsureStringEndsWithSingleBackslash (string s )
public static string FormatedTimeSpan (TimeSpan timespan )
public static string GetHashStringFromHashBytes (byte [] inputBytes )
public static string InsertSpaces (string s )
public static bool IntelligentEquals (string str1 , string str2 )
public static bool IntelligentEquals (string str1 , string str2 , StringComparison culture )
public static bool LikeOperator (string first , string second )
public static string [] Map (string [] ar , Func <string , string > func )
public static Tuple <string , string > ParseErrorMessageForDisplay (string errorMessage )
public static Tuple <string , string > ParseErrorMessageForDisplay (string errorMessage , bool replaceNewlines )
public static string ReplaceMultipleSpacesWithNBSPs (string input )
public static IEnumerable <string > Split (string str , int length )
public static string [] SplitCsvString (string input )
public static IEnumerable <string > SplitWithMessage (string str , int length , string message )
public static string ToCsvCellContents (string input )
public static string ToDelimitedFileCellContents (string input , string bound , string newLineProxy )
public static string TrimAndReduceSpaces (string input )
public static string TrimIfQuoted (string input )
public static string TruncateWithSuffix (string input , int length , string suffix )
public class SystemTime
public class Text
public class Timekeeper
public class TrustedIPHelper
public class Type
public class URI
public class UrlParser
public class XmlHelper
public XmlHelper ()
public static T Deserialize <T >(string input )
public static Dictionary <string , string > DeserializeToDictionary (string input )
public static string GenerateAuditElement (string name , IDictionary values )
public static string GenerateAuditElement (string name , string subElementTag , IDictionary values )
public static string GenerateAuditElement (string auditMessage )
public static string GenerateCollectionAwareAuditElement (string name , string subElementTag , IDictionary values )
public static string GetInnerXml (XDocument xDoc )
public static XmlDocument LoadUntrustedStream (Stream stream )
public static XmlDocument LoadUntrustedString (string input )
public static string ScrubInvalidXmlStrings (string dirtyString , string replacement = "" )
public static string Serialize <T >(T obj )
public static string Serialize <T >(T obj , bool includeNamespaceInfo )
public static string Serialize <T >(T obj , bool includeNamespaceInfo , bool omitXMLDeclaration )
public static string SerializeDictionaryToXML (Dictionary <string , string > input )
public static string StripIllegalXmlCharacters (string textInput , string replacement = null )
public sealed class ArrayExtension
public sealed class CollectionExtension
public sealed class Comparable
public sealed class DictionaryExtension
public sealed class Enumerable
public static bool IsNullOrEmpty <T >(IEnumerable <T > input )
public static ArrayList ToArrayList <T >(IEnumerable <T > input )
public static string ToCsv <T >(IEnumerable <T > input )
public static string ToCsv <T >(IEnumerable <T > input , Func <T , string > itemStringifier )
public static string ToCsv <T >(IEnumerable <T > input , string format )
public static string ToCsv (ArrayList arrayList , string format = "{0}" )
public static string ToDelimitedString <T >(IEnumerable <T > input , string delimiter , Func <T , string > itemStringifier )
public static string ToDelimitedString <T >(IEnumerable <T > input , string delimiter = "," , string bound = "" , string cellFormat = "{0}" )
public static string ToDelimitedString (ArrayList arrayList , string delimiter = "," , string bound = "" , string cellFormat = "{0}" )
public sealed class NameValueCollection
public sealed class StringExtenstion
public sealed class TimeSpanExtension
public sealed class XmlDocument