Represents a Viewer Context Menu Item object.
The action executed when a user selects the context menu item.
PermissionID associated with this menu item. If access to this item doesn't require specific permissions, then this column is NULL.
ArtifactID of the search provider associated with the current menu item.
To access this menu item, the user must have rights to view it, and the search provider must be active.
If the item isn't associated with a search provider, then null
Integer value indicating the viewer modes which you want to display the context menu item.
The identifier field for the context menu item. The SQL Server automatically manages the value.
Boolean value indicating whether the browser should escape single quotes and other unsafe characters when they appear in text that the user has selected in the viewer.
True if you want to escape unsafe characters, or false if this action isn't required.
The name of the menu item as displayed in the user interface.
The order used for displaying the item in the context menu
ID of menu designated as the parent of the current menu item.
If the current menu item doesn't require a parent menu, then this column is NULL.
Boolean value indicating whether the user must select text in the viewer before the context menu item is available. True if the user must select text, or false if this action isn't required.
Boolean value indicating whether the browser should replace the following special characters with their XML equivalents when they appear in text that the user has selected in the viewer.
True if you want to replace these characters, or false if this action isn't required.