<PackageReference Include="Polly" Version="8.3.1" />


public static class RetrySyntax
Fluent API for defining a Retry Policy.
using Polly.Retry; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Polly { public static class RetrySyntax { public static RetryPolicy Retry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder) { return policyBuilder.Retry(1); } public static RetryPolicy Retry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount) { Action<Exception, int> onRetry = delegate { }; return policyBuilder.Retry(retryCount, onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy Retry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Action<Exception, int> onRetry) { return policyBuilder.Retry(1, onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy Retry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Action<Exception, int> onRetry) { if (retryCount < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("retryCount", "Value must be greater than or equal to zero."); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.Retry(retryCount, delegate(Exception outcome, int i, Context _) { onRetry(outcome, i); }); } public static RetryPolicy Retry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Action<Exception, int, Context> onRetry) { return policyBuilder.Retry(1, onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy Retry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Action<Exception, int, Context> onRetry) { if (retryCount < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("retryCount", "Value must be greater than or equal to zero."); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return new RetryPolicy(policyBuilder, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan _, int i, Context ctx) { onRetry(outcome, i, ctx); }, retryCount, null, null); } public static RetryPolicy RetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder) { Action<Exception> onRetry = delegate { }; return policyBuilder.RetryForever(onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy RetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Action<Exception> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.RetryForever(delegate(Exception outcome, Context _) { onRetry(outcome); }); } public static RetryPolicy RetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Action<Exception, int> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.RetryForever(delegate(Exception outcome, int i, Context _) { onRetry(outcome, i); }); } public static RetryPolicy RetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Action<Exception, Context> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return new RetryPolicy(policyBuilder, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan _, int _, Context ctx) { onRetry(outcome, ctx); }, 2147483647, null, null); } public static RetryPolicy RetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Action<Exception, int, Context> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return new RetryPolicy(policyBuilder, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan _, int i, Context ctx) { onRetry(outcome, i, ctx); }, 2147483647, null, null); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Func<int, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider) { Action<Exception, TimeSpan, int, Context> onRetry = delegate { }; return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(retryCount, sleepDurationProvider, onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Func<int, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(retryCount, sleepDurationProvider, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan span, int _, Context _) { onRetry(outcome, span); }); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Func<int, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, Context> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(retryCount, sleepDurationProvider, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan span, int _, Context ctx) { onRetry(outcome, span, ctx); }); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Func<int, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, int, Context> onRetry) { if (retryCount < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("retryCount", "Value must be greater than or equal to zero."); if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); IEnumerable<TimeSpan> sleepDurationsEnumerable = Enumerable.Range(1, retryCount).Select(sleepDurationProvider); return new RetryPolicy(policyBuilder, onRetry, retryCount, sleepDurationsEnumerable, null); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Func<int, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider) { Action<Exception, TimeSpan, int, Context> onRetry = delegate { }; return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(retryCount, sleepDurationProvider, onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Func<int, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, Context> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(retryCount, sleepDurationProvider, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan span, int _, Context ctx) { onRetry(outcome, span, ctx); }); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Func<int, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, int, Context> onRetry) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(retryCount, (int i, Exception _, Context ctx) => sleepDurationProvider(i, ctx), onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, int retryCount, Func<int, Exception, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, int, Context> onRetry) { if (retryCount < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("retryCount", "Value must be greater than or equal to zero."); if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return new RetryPolicy(policyBuilder, onRetry, retryCount, null, sleepDurationProvider); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, IEnumerable<TimeSpan> sleepDurations) { Action<Exception, TimeSpan> onRetry = delegate { }; return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(sleepDurations, onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, IEnumerable<TimeSpan> sleepDurations, Action<Exception, TimeSpan> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(sleepDurations, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan span, int _, Context _) { onRetry(outcome, span); }); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, IEnumerable<TimeSpan> sleepDurations, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, Context> onRetry) { if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetry(sleepDurations, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan span, int _, Context ctx) { onRetry(outcome, span, ctx); }); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetry(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, IEnumerable<TimeSpan> sleepDurations, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, int, Context> onRetry) { if (sleepDurations == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurations"); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return new RetryPolicy(policyBuilder, onRetry, 2147483647, sleepDurations, null); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<int, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); Action<Exception, TimeSpan> onRetry = delegate { }; return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetryForever(sleepDurationProvider, onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<int, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); Action<Exception, TimeSpan, Context> onRetry = delegate { }; return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetryForever(sleepDurationProvider, onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<int, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan> onRetry) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetryForever((int retryCount, Context _) => sleepDurationProvider(retryCount), delegate(Exception exception, TimeSpan timespan, Context _) { onRetry(exception, timespan); }); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<int, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, int, TimeSpan> onRetry) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetryForever((int retryCount, Exception _, Context _) => sleepDurationProvider(retryCount), delegate(Exception exception, int i, TimeSpan timespan, Context _) { onRetry(exception, i, timespan); }); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<int, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, Context> onRetry) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetryForever((int i, Exception _, Context ctx) => sleepDurationProvider(i, ctx), onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<int, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, int, TimeSpan, Context> onRetry) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); return policyBuilder.WaitAndRetryForever((int i, Exception _, Context ctx) => sleepDurationProvider(i, ctx), onRetry); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<int, Exception, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, TimeSpan, Context> onRetry) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return new RetryPolicy(policyBuilder, delegate(Exception outcome, TimeSpan timespan, int _, Context ctx) { onRetry(outcome, timespan, ctx); }, 2147483647, null, sleepDurationProvider); } public static RetryPolicy WaitAndRetryForever(this PolicyBuilder policyBuilder, Func<int, Exception, Context, TimeSpan> sleepDurationProvider, Action<Exception, int, TimeSpan, Context> onRetry) { if (sleepDurationProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sleepDurationProvider"); if (onRetry == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("onRetry"); return new RetryPolicy(policyBuilder, delegate(Exception exception, TimeSpan timespan, int i, Context ctx) { onRetry(exception, i, timespan, ctx); }, 2147483647, null, sleepDurationProvider); } } }