Polly 6.0.1
Polly is a .NET Standard 1.1 and .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows developers to express resilience and transient fault handling policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.
<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/05/nuspec.xsd">
<authors>Michael Wolfenden, App vNext</authors>
<owners>App vNext</owners>
<description>Polly is a .NET Standard 1.1 and .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows developers to express resilience and transient fault handling policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.</description>
- Version 6 RTM, for integration to ASPNET Core 2.1 IHttpClientFactory
- Publish as strong-named package only (discontinue non-strong-named versions)
- Add .NetStandard 2.0 tfm
- Provide .NET4.5 support via .NetStandard 1.1 tfm
- Discontinue .NET4.0 support
- Remove methods marked as deprecated in v5.9.0
- Allow Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan (no timeout) for TimeoutPolicy.
- Add .AsPolicy<TResult> and .AsAsyncPolicy<TResult> methods for converting non-generic policies to generic policies.
- Per Semver, indicates deprecation of overloads and properties intended to be removed or renamed in Polly v6.
- Add a new onBreak overload that provides the prior state on a transition to an open state
- Bug fix: RelativeTtl in CachePolicy now always returns a ttl relative to time item is cached
- Minor cache fixes
- Add ability to calculate cache Ttl based on item to cache
- Allow user-created custom policies
- Extend PolicyWrap syntax with interfaces
- Add ability to handle inner exceptions natively: .HandleInner<TEx>()
- Allow WaitAndRetry policies to calculate wait based on the handled fault
- Add the ability to access the policies within an IPolicyWrap
- Allow PolicyWrap to take interfaces as parameters
- Bug fix: set context keys for generic execute method with PolicyWrap
- Bug fix: generic TResult method with non-generic fallback policy
- Performance improvements
- Bug fix: non-generic CachePolicy with PolicyWrap
- Add Cache interfaces
- Add CachePolicy: cache-aside pattern, with interfaces for pluggable cache providers and serializers.
- Bug fix: Sync TimeoutPolicy in pessimistic mode no longer interposes AggregateException.
- Provide public factory methods for PolicyResult, to support testing.
- Fallback delegates can now take handled fault as input parameter.
- Make ISyncPolicy<TResult> public
- (Upgrade solution to msbuild15)
- Fix ExecuteAndCapture() usage with PolicyWrap
- Allow Fallback delegates to take execution Context
- Provide IReadOnlyPolicyRegistry interface
- Add PolicyRegistry for storing and retrieving policies.
- Add interfaces by policy type and execution type.
- Change .NetStandard minimum support to NetStandard1.1.
- Allow different parts of a policy execution to exchange data via a mutable Context travelling with each execution.
- Update NETStandard.Library dependency to latest 1.6.1 for .NetStandard1.0 target. Resolves compatibility for some Xamarin targets.
- Bug fix: Prevent request stampede during half-open state of CircuitBreaker and AdvancedCircuitBreaker. Enforce only one new trial call per break duration, during half-open state.
- Bug fix: Prevent duplicate raising of the onBreak delegate, if executions started when a circuit was closed, return faults when a circuit has already opened.
- Optimisation: Optimise hotpaths for Circuit-Breaker, Retry and Fallback policies.
- Add NoOpPolicy: NoOpPolicy executes delegates without intervention; for eg stubbing out Polly in unit testing.
5.0.4 pre
- (.NET40Async package changes only)
5.0.3 RTM
- Refine implementation of cancellable synchronous WaitAndRetry
- Minor breaking change: Where a user delegate does not observe cancellation, Polly will now honour the delegate's outcome rather than throw for the unobserved cancellation (issue 188).
5.0.2 alpha
- .NETStandard1.0 target: Correctly state dependencies.
- .NETStandard1.0 target: Fix SemVer stamping of Polly.dll.
- PCL259 project and target: Remove, in favour of .NETStandard1.0 target. PCL259 targets are still supported, via .NETStandard1.0 target.
- Mark Polly.dll as CLSCompliant.
5.0.1 alpha
- Add a .NETStandard1.0 target.
5.0.0 alpha
A major release, adding significant new resilience policies:
- Timeout policy: allows timing out any execution
- Bulkhead isolation policy: limits the resources consumable by governed actions, such that a faulting channel cannot cause cascading failures.
- Fallback policy: provides for a fallback execution or value, in case of overall failure
- PolicyWrap: allows flexibly combining Policy instances of any type, to form an overall resilience strategy.
Other changes include:
- Add PolicyKeys and context to all policy executions, for logging and to support later introduction of policy events and metrics.
- Add CancellationToken support to synchronous executions.
- Add some missing ExecuteAndCapture/Async overloads.
- Remove invalid ExecuteAsync overloads taking (but not making use of) a CancellationToken
- Provide .NET4.0 support uniquely through Polly.NET40Async package
- Retire ContextualPolicy (not part of documented API; support now in Policy base class)
- Discontinue .NET3.5 support
- Added ability for policies to handle return results. Optimised circuit-breaker hot path. Fixed circuit-breaker threshold bug.
- Added overloads to WaitAndRetry and WaitAndRetryAsync methods that accept an onRetry delegate which includes the attempt count.
- Cleaned up new Polly.Net40Async NuGet package, removing Polly.dll and unused framework folders.
- Add new Polly.Net40Async project supporting async for .NET40 via Microsoft.Bcl.Async. This is available as separate Nuget packages Polly.Net40Async and Polly.Net40Async-signed.
- Allowed async onRetry delegates to async retry policies.
- Added AdvancedCircuitBreaker - Thanks to @reisenberger and @kristianhald
- Fixed an issue with the onReset delegate of the CircuitBreaker.
- Add ExecuteAndCapture support with arbitrary context data - Thanks to @reisenberger
- Add Wait and retry forever policy - Thanks to @nedstoyanov
- Remove time-limit on CircuitBreaker state-change delegates - Thanks to @reisenberger
- Add async support and circuit-breaker support for ContextualPolicy
- Add manual control of circuit-breaker (reset and manual circuit isolation)
- Add public reporting of circuit-breaker state, for health/performance monitoring
- Add delegates on changes of circuit state - Thanks to @reisenberger
- Add cancellation support for all async Policy execution - Thanks to @reisenberger
- Fixes an issue where continueOnCapturedContext needed to be specified in two places (on action execution and Policy configuration), when wanting to flow async action execution on the captured context - Thanks to @reisenberger
- Fixes excess line ending issues
- Async sleep fix, plus added continueOnCapturedContext parameter on async methods to control whether continuation and retry will run on captured synchronization context - Thanks to @yevhen
- Policies with a retry count of zero are now allowed
- Add .NET Core support
- Fix PCL implementation of `SystemClock.Reset`
- Added ability to capture the results of executing a policy via `ExecuteAndCapture`
- Added extra `NotOnCapturedContext` call to prevent potential deadlocks when blocking on asynchronous calls
- Replaced non-blocking sleep implementation with a blocking one for PCL
- Added Async Support (PCL)
- PCL Profile updated from Profile78 -> Profile 259
- Added missing WaitAndRetryAsync overload
- Added Async Support (.NET Framework 4.5 Only)
- Added Portable Class Library
- The "Polly" NuGet package is now no longer strongly named. The strongly named NuGet package is now "Polly-Signed"
- Added additional overloads to Retry
- Allow arbitrary data to be passed to policy execution</releaseNotes>
<copyright>Copyright © 2018, App vNext</copyright>
<tags>Exception Handling Resilience Transient Fault Policy Circuit Breaker CircuitBreaker Retry Wait Cache Cache-aside Bulkhead Fallback Timeout Throttle Parallelization</tags>
<group targetFramework=".NETStandard1.1">
<dependency id="NETStandard.Library" version="1.6.1" />
<group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0" />