<PackageReference Include="Polly" Version="5.6.0" />


Namespace with 23 public types


 AbsoluteTtl Defines a ttl strategy which will cache items until the specified point-in-time.
 CachePolicy A cache policy that can be applied to the results of delegate executions.
 CachePolicy`1 A cache policy that can be applied to the results of delegate executions.
 ContextualTtl Defines a ttl strategy which will cache items for a TimeSpan which may be influenced by data in the execution context.
 DefaultCacheKeyStrategy The default cache key strategy for . Returns the property .
 RelativeTtl Defines a ttl strategy which will cache items until the specified point-in-time.
 SerializingCacheProvider`1 Defines an which serializes objects of any type in and out of an underlying cache which caches as type . For use with synchronous .
 SerializingCacheProvider`2 Defines an which serializes objects of type in and out of an underlying cache which caches as type . For use with synchronous .
 SerializingCacheProviderAsync`1 Defines an which serializes objects of any type in and out of an underlying cache which caches as type . For use with asynchronous .
 SerializingCacheProviderAsync`2 Defines an which serializes objects of type in and out of an underlying cache which caches as type . For use with asynchronous .
 SlidingTtl Defines a ttl strategy which will cache items with a sliding ttl.


 Ttl Represents a time-to-live for a given cache item.

Static Classes

 CacheProviderExtensions Class that provides helper methods for configuring CacheProviders.

Abstract Classes

 NonSlidingTtl Represents an expiring at an absolute time, not with sliding expiration.


 IAsyncCacheProvider Defines methods for classes providing asynchronous cache functionality for Polly s.
 IAsyncCacheProvider`1 Defines methods for classes providing asynchronous cache functionality for Polly s.
 ICacheItemSerializer`2 Defines operations for serializing and deserializing values being placed in caches by instances.
 ICacheKeyStrategy Defines how a should get a string cache key from an execution
 ICachePolicy Defines properties and methods common to all Cache policies.
 ICachePolicy`1 Defines properties and methods common to all Cache policies generic-typed for executions returning results of type .
 ISyncCacheProvider Defines methods for classes providing synchronous cache functionality for Polly s.
 ISyncCacheProvider`1 Defines methods for classes providing synchronous cache functionality for Polly s.
 ITtlStrategy Defines a strategy for providing time-to-live durations for cacheable results.