<PackageReference Include="Polly" Version="5.1.1-v5-x-cachealpha0001" />


Namespace with 20 public types


 CachePolicy A cache policy that can be applied to the results of delegate executions.
 CachePolicy`1 A cache policy that can be applied to the results of delegate executions.
 ContextualTimeSpanTtl Defines a ttl strategy which will cache items for a TimeSpan which may be influenced by data in the execution context.
 DefaultCacheKeyStrategy The default cache key strategy for . Returns the property .
 PointInTimeTtl Defines a ttl strategy which will cache items until the specified point-in-time.
 SerializingCacheProvider`1 Defines an which serializes objects of any type in and out of an underlying cache which caches as type . For use with synchronous .
 SerializingCacheProvider`2 Defines an which serializes objects of type in and out of an underlying cache which caches as type . For use with synchronous .
 SerializingCacheProviderAsync`1 Defines an which serializes objects of type in and out of an underlying cache which caches as type . For use with asynchronous .
 SerializingCacheProviderAsync`2 Defines an which serializes objects of type in and out of an underlying cache which caches as type . For use with asynchronous .
 TimeSpanTtl Defines a ttl strategy which will cache items for the specified TimeSpan.
 TypedCacheProvider`1 Provides a typed wrapper over a non-generic CacheProvider.
 TypedCacheProviderAsync`1 Provides a typed wrapper over a non-generic CacheProviderAsync.

Static Classes

 CacheProviderExtensions Class that provides helper methods for configuring CacheProviders.


 ICacheItemSerializer`2 Defines operations for serializing and deserializing values being placed in caches by instances.
 ICacheKeyStrategy Defines how a should get a string cache key from an execution
 ICacheProvider Defines methods for classes providing synchronous cache functionality for Polly s.
 ICacheProvider`1 Defines methods for classes providing synchronous cache functionality for Polly s.
 ICacheProviderAsync Defines methods for classes providing asynchronous cache functionality for Polly s.
 ICacheProviderAsync`1 Defines methods for classes providing asynchronous cache functionality for Polly s.
 ITtlStrategy Defines a strategy for providing time-to-live durations for cacheable results.