Defines a builder for creating predicates for TResult and Exception combinations.
public PredicateBuilder()
public static Func<RetryPredicateArguments<TResult>, ValueTask<bool>> op_Implicit(PredicateBuilder<TResult> builder)
The operator that converts builder to ShouldHandle delegate.
public static Func<HedgingPredicateArguments<TResult>, ValueTask<bool>> op_Implicit(PredicateBuilder<TResult> builder)
The operator that converts builder to ShouldHandle delegate.
public static Func<FallbackPredicateArguments<TResult>, ValueTask<bool>> op_Implicit(PredicateBuilder<TResult> builder)
The operator that converts builder to ShouldHandle delegate.
public static Func<CircuitBreakerPredicateArguments<TResult>, ValueTask<bool>> op_Implicit(PredicateBuilder<TResult> builder)
The operator that converts builder to ShouldHandle delegate.
Builds the predicate.
Adds a predicate for handling exceptions of the specified type.
public PredicateBuilder<TResult> Handle<TException>(Func<TException, bool> predicate) where TException : Exception
Adds a predicate for handling exceptions of the specified type.
Adds a predicate for handling inner exceptions of the specified type.
public PredicateBuilder<TResult> HandleInner<TException>(Func<TException, bool> predicate) where TException : Exception
Adds a predicate for handling inner exceptions of the specified type.
Adds a predicate for handling results.
public PredicateBuilder<TResult> HandleResult(TResult result, IEqualityComparer<TResult> comparer = null)
Adds a predicate for handling results with a specific value.