Generator that produces outcomes such as exceptions or results.
public OutcomeGenerator()
Initializes a new instance of the OutcomeGenerator<T> class.
public static Func<OutcomeGeneratorArguments, ValueTask<Outcome<TResult>?>> op_Implicit(OutcomeGenerator<TResult> generator)
Implicit conversion to OutcomeGenerator.
Registers an exception generator delegate.
public OutcomeGenerator<TResult> AddException(Func<ResilienceContext, Exception> generator, int weight = 100)
Registers an exception generator delegate that accepts a ResilienceContext.
public OutcomeGenerator<TResult> AddException<TException>(int weight = 100) where TException : Exception
Registers an exception generator for a specific exception type, using the default constructor of that exception.
Registers a result generator.
public OutcomeGenerator<TResult> AddResult(Func<ResilienceContext, TResult> generator, int weight = 100)
Registers a result generator.