The options for circuit breaker resilience strategy.
Gets or sets the duration of break the circuit will stay open before resetting.
public Func<BreakDurationGeneratorArguments, ValueTask<TimeSpan>> BreakDurationGenerator { get; set; }
Gets or sets an optional delegate to use to dynamically generate the break duration.
Gets or sets the failure-to-success ratio at which the circuit will break.
Gets or sets the manual control for the circuit breaker.
Gets or sets the minimum throughput: this many actions or more must pass through the circuit in the time-slice,
for statistics to be considered significant and the circuit-breaker to come into action.
Gets or sets the event that is raised when the circuit resets to a Closed state.
Gets or sets the event that is raised when when the circuit transitions to an HalfOpen state.
Gets or sets the event that is raised when the circuit transitions to an Open state.
Gets or sets the duration of the sampling over which failure ratios are assessed.
Gets or sets a predicate that determines whether the outcome should be handled by the circuit breaker.
Gets or sets the state provider for the circuit breaker.
public CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions()
Initializes a new instance of the CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions<T> class.