<PackageReference Include="Polly.Core" Version="8.3.1" />


Namespace with 28 public types


 PredicateBuilder Defines a builder for creating exception predicates.
 PredicateBuilder`1 Defines a builder for creating predicates for and combinations.
 ResilienceContext A context assigned to a single execution of . It is created manually or automatically when the user calls the various extensions on top of . After every execution the context should be discarded and returned to the pool.
 ResiliencePipeline Resilience pipeline is used to execute the user-provided callbacks.
 ResiliencePipeline`1 Resilience pipeline is used to execute the user-provided callbacks.
 ResiliencePipelineBuilder A builder that is used to create an instance of .
 ResiliencePipelineBuilder`1 A builder that is used to create an instance of .
 ResilienceProperties Represents a collection of custom resilience properties.


 Outcome`1 Represents the outcome of an operation which could be a result of type or an exception.
 ResilienceContextCreationArguments Arguments used by the when creating .
 ResiliencePropertyKey`1 Represents a key used by .


 DelayBackoffType The backoff type used by the strategies.

Static Classes

 CircuitBreakerResiliencePipelineBuilderExtensions Circuit breaker extensions for .
 FallbackResiliencePipelineBuilderExtensions Extensions for adding fallback to .
 HedgingResiliencePipelineBuilderExtensions Extensions for adding hedging to .
 LegacySupport Legacy support for older versions of Polly.
 Outcome Produces instances of .
 PredicateResult Class that represents the results that can be used in predicates.
 ResiliencePipelineBuilderExtensions Extensions for .
 RetryResiliencePipelineBuilderExtensions Extensions for adding retries to .

Abstract Classes

 ExecutionRejectedException Exception thrown when a policy rejects execution of a delegate. More specific exceptions which derive from this type, are generally thrown.
 ResilienceContextPool The pool of instances.
 ResiliencePipelineBuilderBase A builder that is used to create an instance of .
 ResilienceStrategy Base class for all proactive resilience strategies.
 ResilienceStrategy`1 This base strategy class is used to simplify the implementation of generic (reactive) strategies by limiting the number of generic types the execute method receives.
 ResilienceStrategyOptions The options associated with the individual resilience strategy.