Represents the options used to configure a retry strategy.
Gets or sets the type of the back-off.
Gets or sets the base delay between retries.
public Func<RetryDelayGeneratorArguments<TResult>, ValueTask<TimeSpan?>> DelayGenerator { get; set; }
Gets or sets a generator that calculates the delay between retries.
Gets or sets the maximum number of retries to use, in addition to the original call.
Gets or sets an event delegate that is raised when the retry happens.
Gets or sets the randomizer that is used by the retry strategy to generate random numbers.
Gets or sets a predicate that determines whether the retry should be executed for a given outcome.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether jitter should be used when calculating the backoff delay between retries.
public RetryStrategyOptions()
Initializes a new instance of the RetryStrategyOptions<T> class.