<PackageReference Include="Polly.Core" Version="8.0.0-alpha.6" />


Namespace with 25 public types


 NullResilienceStrategy A resilience strategy that executes an user-provided callback without any additional logic.
 NullResilienceStrategy`1 A resilience strategy that executes an user-provided callback without any additional logic.
 PredicateBuilder Defines a builder for creating exception predicates.
 PredicateBuilder`1 Defines a builder for creating predicates for and combinations.
 ResilienceContext A context assigned to a single execution of . It is created manually or automatically when the user calls the various extensions on top of . After every execution the context should be discarded and returned to the pool.
 ResilienceProperties Represents a collection of custom resilience properties.
 ResilienceStrategy`1 Resilience strategy is used to execute the user-provided callbacks.
 ResilienceStrategyBuilder A builder that is used to create an instance of .
 ResilienceStrategyBuilder`1 A builder that is used to create an instance of .
 ResilienceStrategyBuilderContext The context used for building an individual resilience strategy.


 Outcome`1 Represents the outcome of an operation which could be a result of type or an exception.
 OutcomeArguments`2 Encapsulates the outcome of a resilience operation or event and its associated arguments.
 ResiliencePropertyKey`1 Represents a key used by .

Static Classes

 CircuitBreakerResilienceStrategyBuilderExtensions Circuit breaker strategy extensions for .
 FallbackResilienceStrategyBuilderExtensions Provides extension methods for configuring fallback resilience strategies for .
 HedgingResilienceStrategyBuilderExtensions Provides extension methods for configuring hedging resilience strategies for .
 Outcome Produces instances of .
 PredicateResult Class that represents the results that can be used in predicates.
 ResilienceStrategyBuilderExtensions Extensions for .
 RetryResilienceStrategyBuilderExtensions Retry extension methods for the .
 TimeoutResilienceStrategyBuilderExtensions Extension methods for adding timeouts to a .

Abstract Classes

 ExecutionRejectedException Exception thrown when a policy rejects execution of a delegate. More specific exceptions which derive from this type, are generally thrown.
 ResilienceStrategy Resilience strategy is used to execute the user-provided callbacks.
 ResilienceStrategyBuilderBase A builder that is used to create an instance of .
 ResilienceStrategyOptions The options associated with the .