<PackageReference Include="Polly.Core" Version="8.0.0-alpha.5" />


Represents arguments used by the on-hedging event.
public int Attempt { get; set; }

The zero-based hedging attempt number.

protected virtual Type EqualityContract { get; }

public TimeSpan ExecutionTime { get; set; }

The execution time of hedging attempt or the hedging delay in case the attempt was not finished in time.

public bool HasOutcome { get; set; }

Determines whether the outcome is available before loading the next hedged task. No outcome indicates that the previous action did not finish within the hedging delay.

public OnHedgingArguments(int Attempt, bool HasOutcome, TimeSpan ExecutionTime)

Represents arguments used by the on-hedging event.

public static bool op_Equality(OnHedgingArguments left, OnHedgingArguments right)

public static bool op_Inequality(OnHedgingArguments left, OnHedgingArguments right)

public virtual OnHedgingArguments <Clone>$()

public void Deconstruct(out int Attempt, out bool HasOutcome, out TimeSpan ExecutionTime)

public virtual bool Equals(OnHedgingArguments other)

protected virtual bool PrintMembers(StringBuilder builder)