Hedging strategy options.
public Func<HedgingActionGeneratorArguments<TResult>, Func<ValueTask<Outcome<TResult>>>> HedgingActionGenerator { get; set; }
Gets or sets the hedging action generator that creates hedged actions.
Gets or sets the minimal time of waiting before spawning a new hedged call.
Gets or sets the generator that generates hedging delays for each hedging attempt.
Gets or sets the maximum hedged attempts to perform the desired task.
Gets or sets the event that is raised when a hedging is performed.
public Func<OutcomeArguments<TResult, HedgingPredicateArguments>, ValueTask<bool>> ShouldHandle { get; set; }
Gets or sets the predicate that determines whether a hedging should be performed for a given result.
public HedgingStrategyOptions()