<PackageReference Include="Polly.Core" Version="8.0.0-alpha.2" />

OutcomeArguments<TResult, TArgs>

public struct OutcomeArguments<TResult, TArgs>
Encapsulates the outcome of a resilience operation or event and its associated arguments.
public TArgs Arguments { get; }

Gets additional arguments specific to the resilience operation or event.

public ResilienceContext Context { get; }

Gets the context in which the resilience operation or event occurred.

public Exception Exception { get; }

Gets the exception, if any, thrown during the resilience operation or event.

public Outcome<TResult> Outcome { get; }

Gets the outcome of the resilience operation or event.

public TResult Result { get; }

Gets the result, if any, produced by the resilience operation or event.

public OutcomeArguments(ResilienceContext context, Outcome<TResult> outcome, TArgs arguments)

Initializes a new instance of the OutcomeArguments<T, U> struct.