<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="9.0.1" />


static class EnumUtils
public static IList<T> GetFlagsValues<T>(T value) where T : struct

public static IList<string> GetNames(Type enumType)

public static IList<EnumValue<ulong>> GetNamesAndValues<T>() where T : struct

Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.

public static IList<EnumValue<TUnderlyingType>> GetNamesAndValues<TUnderlyingType>(Type enumType) where TUnderlyingType : struct

Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.

public static IList<object> GetValues(Type enumType)

public static object ParseEnumName(string enumText, bool isNullable, Type t)

public static string ToEnumName(Type enumType, string enumText, bool camelCaseText)