<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="6.0.3" />


public enum JsonToken
Specifies the type of Json token.
Boolean = 10

A boolean.

Bytes = 17

Byte data.

Comment = 5

A comment.

Date = 16

A Date.

EndArray = 14

An array end token.

A constructor end token.

EndObject = 13

An object end token.

Float = 8

A float.

Integer = 7

An integer.

None = 0

This is returned by the JsonReader if a Read method has not been called.

Null = 11

A null token.

An object property name.

Raw = 6


An array start token.

A constructor start token.

An object start token.

String = 9

A string.

Undefined = 12

An undefined token.