Serializes and deserializes objects into and from the JSON format.
The JsonSerializer enables you to control how objects are encoded into JSON.
Gets or sets the SerializationBinder used by the serializer when resolving type names.
Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object.
The default value is false.
Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization.
The default value is Default.
Gets or sets the StreamingContext used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.
Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when
serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa.
Gets a collection JsonConverter that will be used during serialization.
Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON.
The default value is InvariantCulture.
Gets or sets how dates are written to JSON text.
The default value is IsoDateFormat.
Gets or sets how DateTime and DateTimeOffset values are formatted when writing JSON text,
and the expected date format when reading JSON text.
The default value is "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFK".
Gets or sets how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON.
The default value is DateTime.
Gets or sets how DateTime time zones are handled during serialization and deserialization.
The default value is RoundtripKind.
Gets or sets how default values are handled during serialization and deserialization.
The default value is Include.
Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references.
Gets or sets how special floating point numbers, e.g. NaN,
PositiveInfinity and NegativeInfinity,
are written as JSON text.
The default value is String.
Gets or sets how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text.
The default value is Double.
Indicates how JSON text output is formatted.
The default value is None.
Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a JsonReaderException.
A null value means there is no maximum.
The default value is 128.
Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization.
The default value is Default.
Gets or sets how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization.
The default value is Ignore.
Gets or sets how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization.
The default value is Include.
Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization.
The default value is Auto.
Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer.
The default value is None.
Gets or sets how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled.
The default value is Error.
Gets or sets the IReferenceResolver used by the serializer when resolving references.
Gets or sets the ISerializationBinder used by the serializer when resolving type names.
Gets or sets how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.
The default value is Default.
Gets or sets the ITraceWriter used by the serializer when writing trace messages.
Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer.
The default value is Simple.
Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer.
The default value is Simple.
Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer.
The default value is None.
Occurs when the JsonSerializer errors during serialization and deserialization.
public JsonSerializer()
Initializes a new instance of the JsonSerializer class.
Creates a new JsonSerializer instance.
The JsonSerializer will not use default settings
from DefaultSettings.
Creates a new JsonSerializer instance using the specified JsonSerializerSettings.
The JsonSerializer will not use default settings
from DefaultSettings.
Creates a new JsonSerializer instance.
The JsonSerializer will use default settings
from DefaultSettings.
Creates a new JsonSerializer instance using the specified JsonSerializerSettings.
The JsonSerializer will use default settings
from DefaultSettings as well as the specified JsonSerializerSettings.
Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified JsonReader.
Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified TextReader
into an instance of the specified type.
Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified JsonReader
into an instance of the specified type.
Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified JsonReader
into an instance of the specified type.
Populates the JSON values onto the target object.
Populates the JSON values onto the target object.
Serializes the specified Object and writes the JSON structure
using the specified TextWriter.
Serializes the specified Object and writes the JSON structure
using the specified JsonWriter.
Serializes the specified Object and writes the JSON structure
using the specified TextWriter.
Serializes the specified Object and writes the JSON structure
using the specified JsonWriter.