<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="4.3.0" />


NUnitTestFixtureBuilder is able to build a fixture given a class marked with a TestFixtureAttribute or an unmarked class containing test methods. In the first case, it is called by the attribute and in the second directly by NUnitSuiteBuilder.

public TestSuite BuildFrom(ITypeInfo typeInfo, IPreFilter filter)

Build a TestFixture from type provided. A non-null TestSuite must always be returned, since the method is generally called because the user has marked the target class as a fixture. If something prevents the fixture from being used, it should be returned nonetheless, labeled as non-runnable.

public TestSuite BuildFrom(ITypeInfo typeInfo, IPreFilter filter, ITestFixtureData testFixtureData)

Overload of BuildFrom called by tests that have arguments. Builds a fixture using the provided type and information in the ITestFixtureData object.