Supplies a range of values to an individual parameter of a parameterized test.
Constructs a range of Int32 values using the default step of 1.
Constructs a range of Int32 values with the specified step size.
Constructs a range of UInt32 values using the default step of 1.
Constructs a range of UInt32 values with the specified step size.
Constructs a range of Int64 values using a default step of 1.
Constructs a range of Int64 values with the specified step size.
Constructs a range of UInt64 values using the default step of 1.
Constructs a range of UInt64 values with the specified step size.
Constructs a range of Double values with the specified step size.
Constructs a range of Single values with the specified step size.
Retrieves a list of arguments which can be passed to the specified parameter.