<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="4.1.0" />


Supplies a set of random values to a single parameter of a parameterized test.
public bool Distinct { get; set; }

If true, no value will be repeated.

public RandomAttribute(int count)

Construct a random set of values appropriate for the Type of the parameter on which the attribute appears, specifying only the count.

public RandomAttribute(int min, int max, int count)

Generates Int32 values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(uint min, uint max, int count)

Generates UInt32 values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(long min, long max, int count)

Generates Int64 values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(ulong min, ulong max, int count)

Generates UInt64 values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(short min, short max, int count)

Generates Int16 values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(ushort min, ushort max, int count)

Generates UInt16 values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(double min, double max, int count)

Generates Double values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(float min, float max, int count)

Generates Single values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(byte min, byte max, int count)

Generates Byte values within a specified range.

public RandomAttribute(sbyte min, sbyte max, int count)

Generates SByte values within a specified range.

Retrieves a list of arguments which can be passed to the specified parameter.