<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.9.0" />


public class WorkItemQueue
A WorkItemQueue holds work items that are ready to be run, either initially or after some dependency has been satisfied.
public bool IsEmpty { get; }

Get a bool indicating whether the queue is empty.

public bool IsParallelQueue { get; }

Gets a flag indicating whether this queue is used for parallel execution

public int ItemsProcessed { get; }

Gets the total number of items processed so far

public string Name { get; }

Gets the name of the work item queue.

public WorkItemQueueState State { get; }

Gets the current state of the queue

Gets the target ApartmentState for work items on this queue

public WorkItemQueue(string name, bool isParallel, ApartmentState apartment)

Initializes a new instance of the WorkItemQueue class.

public WorkItem Dequeue()

Dequeue a WorkItem for processing

public void Enqueue(WorkItem work)

Enqueue a WorkItem to be processed

public void Pause()

Pause the queue for restarting later

public void Start()

Start or restart processing of items from the queue

public void Stop()

Signal the queue to stop