Helper class used to save and restore certain static or
singleton settings in the environment that affect tests
or which might be changed by the user tests.
using NUnit.Framework.Constraints;
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
namespace NUnit.Framework.Internal
public class TestExecutionContext
public class IsolatedContext : IDisposable
private TestExecutionContext _originalContext;
public IsolatedContext()
_originalContext = CurrentContext;
CurrentContext = _originalContext.CreateIsolatedContext();
public void Dispose()
CurrentContext = _originalContext;
private TestExecutionContext _priorContext;
private TestExecutionStatus _executionStatus;
private ITestListener _listener = TestListener.NULL;
private int _assertCount;
private Randomizer _randomGenerator;
private CultureInfo _currentCulture;
private CultureInfo _currentUICulture;
private TestResult _currentResult;
private static readonly AsyncLocal<TestExecutionContext> _currentContext = new AsyncLocal<TestExecutionContext>();
public static TestExecutionContext CurrentContext {
get {
return _currentContext.Value;
private set {
_currentContext.Value = value;
public Test CurrentTest { get; set; }
public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
public long StartTicks { get; set; }
public TestResult CurrentResult {
get {
return _currentResult;
set {
_currentResult = value;
if (value != null)
OutWriter = value.OutWriter;
public TextWriter OutWriter { get; set; }
public object TestObject { get; set; }
public bool StopOnError { get; set; }
public TestExecutionStatus ExecutionStatus {
get {
if (_executionStatus == TestExecutionStatus.Running && _priorContext != null)
_executionStatus = _priorContext.ExecutionStatus;
return _executionStatus;
set {
_executionStatus = value;
if (_priorContext != null)
_priorContext.ExecutionStatus = value;
internal ITestListener Listener {
get {
return _listener;
set {
_listener = value;
public IWorkItemDispatcher Dispatcher { get; set; }
public ParallelScope ParallelScope { get; set; }
public Tolerance DefaultFloatingPointTolerance { get; set; }
public Randomizer RandomGenerator {
get {
if (_randomGenerator == null)
_randomGenerator = new Randomizer(CurrentTest.Seed);
return _randomGenerator;
internal int AssertCount => _assertCount;
internal int MultipleAssertLevel { get; set; }
public int TestCaseTimeout { get; set; }
public List<ITestAction> UpstreamActions { get; set; }
public CultureInfo CurrentCulture {
get {
return _currentCulture;
set {
_currentCulture = value;
public CultureInfo CurrentUICulture {
get {
return _currentUICulture;
set {
_currentUICulture = value;
public ValueFormatter CurrentValueFormatter { get; set; }
public bool IsSingleThreaded { get; set; }
public TestExecutionContext()
_priorContext = null;
TestCaseTimeout = 0;
UpstreamActions = new List<ITestAction>();
_currentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
_currentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
CurrentValueFormatter = ((object val) => MsgUtils.DefaultValueFormatter(val));
IsSingleThreaded = false;
DefaultFloatingPointTolerance = Tolerance.Default;
public TestExecutionContext(TestExecutionContext other)
_priorContext = other;
CurrentTest = other.CurrentTest;
CurrentResult = other.CurrentResult;
TestObject = other.TestObject;
_listener = other._listener;
StopOnError = other.StopOnError;
TestCaseTimeout = other.TestCaseTimeout;
UpstreamActions = new List<ITestAction>(other.UpstreamActions);
_currentCulture = other.CurrentCulture;
_currentUICulture = other.CurrentUICulture;
DefaultFloatingPointTolerance = other.DefaultFloatingPointTolerance;
CurrentValueFormatter = other.CurrentValueFormatter;
Dispatcher = other.Dispatcher;
ParallelScope = other.ParallelScope;
IsSingleThreaded = other.IsSingleThreaded;
public void UpdateContextFromEnvironment()
_currentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
_currentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
public void EstablishExecutionEnvironment()
CurrentContext = this;
public void IncrementAssertCount()
Interlocked.Increment(ref _assertCount);
public void IncrementAssertCount(int count)
while (count-- > 0) {
Interlocked.Increment(ref _assertCount);
public void AddFormatter(ValueFormatterFactory formatterFactory)
CurrentValueFormatter = formatterFactory(CurrentValueFormatter);
private TestExecutionContext CreateIsolatedContext()
TestExecutionContext testExecutionContext = new TestExecutionContext(this);
if (testExecutionContext.CurrentTest != null)
testExecutionContext.CurrentResult = testExecutionContext.CurrentTest.MakeTestResult();
return testExecutionContext;