<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.7.0" />


DefaultTestAssemblyBuilder loads a single assembly and builds a TestSuite containing test fixtures present in the assembly.
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces; using NUnit.Framework.Internal; using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Security; namespace NUnit.Framework.Api { public class DefaultTestAssemblyBuilder : ITestAssemblyBuilder { private static Logger log = InternalTrace.GetLogger(typeof(DefaultTestAssemblyBuilder)); private ISuiteBuilder _defaultSuiteBuilder; public DefaultTestAssemblyBuilder() { _defaultSuiteBuilder = new DefaultSuiteBuilder(); } public ITest Build(Assembly assembly, IDictionary<string, object> options) { log.Debug("Loading {0}", assembly.FullName); string assemblyPath = AssemblyHelper.GetAssemblyPath(assembly); return Build(assembly, assemblyPath, options); } public ITest Build(string assemblyName, IDictionary<string, object> options) { log.Debug("Loading {0}", assemblyName); TestSuite testSuite = null; try { Assembly assembly = AssemblyHelper.Load(assemblyName); return Build(assembly, assemblyName, options); } catch (Exception exception) { testSuite = new TestAssembly(assemblyName); testSuite.MakeInvalid(ExceptionHelper.BuildFriendlyMessage(exception)); return testSuite; } } private TestSuite Build(Assembly assembly, string assemblyPath, IDictionary<string, object> options) { TestSuite testSuite = null; try { if (options.ContainsKey("DefaultTestNamePattern")) TestNameGenerator.DefaultTestNamePattern = (options["DefaultTestNamePattern"] as string); if (options.ContainsKey("WorkDirectory")) TestContext.DefaultWorkDirectory = (options["WorkDirectory"] as string); else TestContext.DefaultWorkDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (options.ContainsKey("TestParametersDictionary")) { IDictionary<string, string> dictionary = options["TestParametersDictionary"] as IDictionary<string, string>; if (dictionary != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in dictionary) { TestContext.Parameters.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } } } else if (options.ContainsKey("TestParameters")) { string text = options["TestParameters"] as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { string[] array = text.Split(new char[1] { ';' }); foreach (string text2 in array) { int num = text2.IndexOf("="); if (num > 0 && num < text2.Length - 1) { string name = text2.Substring(0, num); string value = text2.Substring(num + 1); TestContext.Parameters.Add(name, value); } } } } IList names = null; if (options.ContainsKey("LOAD")) names = (options["LOAD"] as IList); IList<Test> fixtures = GetFixtures(assembly, names); return BuildTestAssembly(assembly, assemblyPath, fixtures); } catch (Exception exception) { testSuite = new TestAssembly(assemblyPath); testSuite.MakeInvalid(ExceptionHelper.BuildFriendlyMessage(exception)); return testSuite; } } private IList<Test> GetFixtures(Assembly assembly, IList names) { List<Test> list = new List<Test>(); log.Debug("Examining assembly for test fixtures"); IList<Type> candidateFixtureTypes = GetCandidateFixtureTypes(assembly, names); log.Debug("Found {0} classes to examine", candidateFixtureTypes.Count); int num = 0; foreach (Type item in candidateFixtureTypes) { TypeWrapper typeInfo = new TypeWrapper(item); try { if (_defaultSuiteBuilder.CanBuildFrom(typeInfo)) { Test test = _defaultSuiteBuilder.BuildFrom(typeInfo); list.Add(test); num += test.TestCaseCount; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } log.Debug("Found {0} fixtures with {1} test cases", list.Count, num); return list; } private IList<Type> GetCandidateFixtureTypes(Assembly assembly, IList names) { Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes(); if (names == null || names.Count == 0) return types; List<Type> list = new List<Type>(); foreach (string name in names) { Type type = assembly.GetType(name); if ((object)type != null) list.Add(type); else { string value = name + "."; Type[] array = types; foreach (Type type2 in array) { if (type2.FullName.StartsWith(value)) list.Add(type2); } } } return list; } [SecuritySafeCritical] private TestSuite BuildTestAssembly(Assembly assembly, string assemblyName, IList<Test> fixtures) { TestSuite testSuite = new TestAssembly(assembly, assemblyName); if (fixtures.Count == 0) testSuite.MakeInvalid("Has no TestFixtures"); else { NamespaceTreeBuilder namespaceTreeBuilder = new NamespaceTreeBuilder(testSuite); namespaceTreeBuilder.Add(fixtures); testSuite = namespaceTreeBuilder.RootSuite; } testSuite.ApplyAttributesToTest(assembly); testSuite.Sort(); return testSuite; } } }