nunit.framework.dll Assembly with 12 public namespaces (275,456 bytes) NUnit with 1 public types NUnit.Compatibility with 8 public types NUnit.Framework with 78 public types NUnit.Framework.Api with 5 public types NUnit.Framework.Constraints with 95 public types NUnit.Framework.Interfaces with 37 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal with 43 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders with 11 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands with 13 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution with 8 public types NUnit.Framework.Internal.Filters with 12 public types System.Web.UI with 1 public types Frameworks monoandroid net20 net35 net40 net45 netstandard1.6 portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81 xamarin.ios10