<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.13.2" />


public interface ITestResult : IXmlNodeBuilder
The ITestResult interface represents the result of a test.
int AssertCount { get; }

Gets the number of asserts executed when running the test and all its children.

Gets a list of AssertionResults associated with the test

Gets the collection of child results.

double Duration { get; }

Gets the elapsed time for running the test in seconds

DateTime EndTime { get; }

Gets or sets the time the test finished running.

int FailCount { get; }

Gets the number of test cases that failed when running the test and all its children.

string FullName { get; }

Gets the full name of the test result

bool HasChildren { get; }

Indicates whether this result has any child results. Accessing HasChildren should not force creation of the Children collection in classes implementing this interface.

int InconclusiveCount { get; }

Gets the number of test cases that were inconclusive when running the test and all its children.

string Message { get; }

Gets the message associated with a test failure or with not running the test

string Name { get; }

Gets the name of the test result

string Output { get; }

Gets any text output written to this result.

int PassCount { get; }

Gets the number of test cases that passed when running the test and all its children.

Gets the ResultState of the test result, which indicates the success or failure of the test.

int SkipCount { get; }

Gets the number of test cases that were skipped when running the test and all its children.

string StackTrace { get; }

Gets any stack trace associated with an error or failure.

Gets or sets the time the test started running.

ITest Test { get; }

Gets the Test to which this result applies.

Gets the collection of files attached to the test

int TotalCount { get; }

Gets the total number of tests executed when running the test and all its children.

int WarningCount { get; }

Gets the number of test cases that had warnings when running the test and all its children.