Basic Asserts on strings.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace NUnit.Framework
public abstract class StringAssert
public new static bool Equals(object a, object b)
throw new InvalidOperationException("StringAssert.Equals should not be used for Assertions, use StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase(...) or Assert.AreEqual(...) instead.");
public new static void ReferenceEquals(object a, object b)
throw new InvalidOperationException("StringAssert.ReferenceEquals should not be used for Assertions.");
public static void Contains(string expected, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Does.Contain(expected), message, args);
public static void Contains(string expected, string actual)
Contains(expected, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void DoesNotContain(string expected, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Does.Not.Contain(expected), message, args);
public static void DoesNotContain(string expected, string actual)
DoesNotContain(expected, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void StartsWith(string expected, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Does.StartWith(expected), message, args);
public static void StartsWith(string expected, string actual)
StartsWith(expected, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void DoesNotStartWith(string expected, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Does.Not.StartWith(expected), message, args);
public static void DoesNotStartWith(string expected, string actual)
DoesNotStartWith(expected, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void EndsWith(string expected, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Does.EndWith(expected), message, args);
public static void EndsWith(string expected, string actual)
EndsWith(expected, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void DoesNotEndWith(string expected, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Does.Not.EndWith(expected), message, args);
public static void DoesNotEndWith(string expected, string actual)
DoesNotEndWith(expected, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void AreEqualIgnoringCase(string expected, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected).IgnoreCase, message, args);
public static void AreEqualIgnoringCase(string expected, string actual)
AreEqualIgnoringCase(expected, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void AreNotEqualIgnoringCase(string expected, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.EqualTo(expected).IgnoreCase, message, args);
public static void AreNotEqualIgnoringCase(string expected, string actual)
AreNotEqualIgnoringCase(expected, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void IsMatch(string pattern, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Does.Match(pattern), message, args);
public static void IsMatch(string pattern, string actual)
IsMatch(pattern, actual, string.Empty, null);
public static void DoesNotMatch(string pattern, string actual, string message, params object[] args)
Assert.That(actual, Does.Not.Match(pattern), message, args);
public static void DoesNotMatch(string pattern, string actual)
DoesNotMatch(pattern, actual, string.Empty, null);