<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.0.0-rc" />


Namespace with 13 public types


 MaxTimeCommand TODO: Documentation needed for class
 OneTimeSetUpCommand OneTimeSetUpCommand runs any one-time setup methods for a suite, constructing the user test object if necessary.
 OneTimeTearDownCommand OneTimeTearDownCommand performs any teardown actions specified for a suite and calls Dispose on the user test object, if any.
 SetUpTearDownCommand SetUpTearDownCommand runs any SetUp methods for a suite, runs the test and then runs any TearDown methods.
 SetUpTearDownItem SetUpTearDownItem holds the setup and teardown methods for a single level of the inheritance hierarchy.
 SkipCommand TODO: Documentation needed for class
 TestActionCommand TestActionCommand runs the BeforeTest actions for a test, then runs the test and finally runs the AfterTestActions.
 TestActionItem TestActionItem represents a single execution of an ITestAction. It is used to track whether the BeforeTest method has been called and suppress calling the AfterTest method if it has not.
 TestMethodCommand TestMethodCommand is the lowest level concrete command used to run actual test cases.
 TheoryResultCommand TheoryResultCommand adjusts the result of a Theory so that it fails if all the results were inconclusive.


 CommandStage The CommandStage enumeration represents the defined stages of execution for a series of TestCommands. The int _values of the enum are used to apply decorators in the proper order. Lower _values are applied first and are therefore "closer" to the actual test execution.

Abstract Classes

 DelegatingTestCommand TODO: Documentation needed for class
 TestCommand TestCommand is the abstract base class for all test commands in the framework. A TestCommand represents a single stage in the execution of a test, e.g.: SetUp/TearDown, checking for Timeout, verifying the returned result from a method, etc. TestCommands may decorate other test commands so that the execution of a lower-level command is nested within that of a higher level command. All nested commands are executed synchronously, as a single unit. Scheduling test execution on separate threads is handled at a higher level, using the task dispatcher.