<PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.0.0-rc-3" />


TestCaseAttribute is used to mark parameterized test cases and provide them with their arguments.
using NUnit.Framework.Compatibility; using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces; using NUnit.Framework.Internal; using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; namespace NUnit.Framework { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)] public class TestCaseAttribute : NUnitAttribute, ITestBuilder, ITestCaseData, ITestData, IImplyFixture { private object _expectedResult; private Type _testOf; public string TestName { get; set; } public RunState RunState { get; set; } public object[] Arguments { get; set; } public IPropertyBag Properties { get; set; } public object ExpectedResult { get { return _expectedResult; } set { _expectedResult = value; HasExpectedResult = true; } } public bool HasExpectedResult { get; set; } public string Description { get { return Properties.Get("Description") as string; } set { Properties.Set("Description", value); } } public string Author { get { return Properties.Get("Author") as string; } set { Properties.Set("Author", value); } } public Type TestOf { get { return _testOf; } set { _testOf = value; Properties.Set("TestOf", value.FullName); } } public string Ignore { get { return IgnoreReason; } set { IgnoreReason = value; } } public bool Explicit { get { return RunState == RunState.Explicit; } set { RunState = ((!value) ? RunState.Runnable : RunState.Explicit); } } public string Reason { get { return Properties.Get("_SKIPREASON") as string; } set { Properties.Set("_SKIPREASON", value); } } public string IgnoreReason { get { return Reason; } set { RunState = RunState.Ignored; Reason = value; } } public string Category { get { return Properties.Get("Category") as string; } set { string[] array = value.Split(new char[1] { ',' }); foreach (string value2 in array) { Properties.Add("Category", value2); } } } public TestCaseAttribute(params object[] arguments) { RunState = RunState.Runnable; if (arguments == null) { object[] array2 = Arguments = new object[1]; } else Arguments = arguments; Properties = new PropertyBag(); } public TestCaseAttribute(object arg) { RunState = RunState.Runnable; Arguments = new object[1] { arg }; Properties = new PropertyBag(); } public TestCaseAttribute(object arg1, object arg2) { RunState = RunState.Runnable; Arguments = new object[2] { arg1, arg2 }; Properties = new PropertyBag(); } public TestCaseAttribute(object arg1, object arg2, object arg3) { RunState = RunState.Runnable; Arguments = new object[3] { arg1, arg2, arg3 }; Properties = new PropertyBag(); } private TestCaseParameters GetParametersForTestCase(IMethodInfo method) { try { IParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); int num = parameters.Length; int num2 = Arguments.Length; TestCaseParameters testCaseParameters = new TestCaseParameters(this); if (num > 0 && num2 >= num - 1) { IParameterInfo parameterInfo = parameters[num - 1]; Type parameterType = parameterInfo.ParameterType; Type elementType = parameterType.GetElementType(); if (parameterType.IsArray && parameterInfo.IsDefined<ParamArrayAttribute>(false)) { if (num2 == num) { Type type = testCaseParameters.Arguments[num2 - 1].GetType(); if (!parameterType.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(type.GetTypeInfo())) { Array array = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, new int[1] { 1 }); Array array2 = array; object value = testCaseParameters.Arguments[num2 - 1]; int[] indices = new int[1]; array2.SetValue(value, indices); testCaseParameters.Arguments[num2 - 1] = array; } } else { object[] array3 = new object[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num && i < num2; i++) { array3[i] = testCaseParameters.Arguments[i]; } int num3 = num2 - num + 1; Array array4 = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, new int[1] { num3 }); for (int j = 0; j < num3; j++) { array4.SetValue(testCaseParameters.Arguments[num + j - 1], new int[1] { j }); } array3[num - 1] = array4; testCaseParameters.Arguments = array3; num2 = num; } } } if (num == 1 && (object)method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(object[]) && (num2 > 1 || (num2 == 1 && (object)testCaseParameters.Arguments[0].GetType() != typeof(object[])))) testCaseParameters.Arguments = new object[1] { testCaseParameters.Arguments }; if (num2 != num) return testCaseParameters; PerformSpecialConversions(testCaseParameters.Arguments, parameters); return testCaseParameters; } catch (Exception exception) { return new TestCaseParameters(exception); } } private static void PerformSpecialConversions(object[] arglist, IParameterInfo[] parameters) { for (int i = 0; i < arglist.Length; i++) { object obj = arglist[i]; Type parameterType = parameters[i].ParameterType; if (obj != null) { if (obj is SpecialValue && (SpecialValue)obj == SpecialValue.Null) arglist[i] = null; else if (!TypeExtensions.IsAssignableFrom(parameterType, obj.GetType())) { bool flag = false; if ((object)parameterType == typeof(short) || (object)parameterType == typeof(byte) || (object)parameterType == typeof(sbyte) || (object)parameterType == typeof(short?) || (object)parameterType == typeof(byte?) || (object)parameterType == typeof(sbyte?) || (object)parameterType == typeof(double?)) flag = (obj is int); else if ((object)parameterType == typeof(decimal) || (object)parameterType == typeof(decimal?)) { flag = (obj is double || obj is string || obj is int); } else if ((object)parameterType == typeof(DateTime) || (object)parameterType == typeof(DateTime?)) { flag = (obj is string); } if (flag) { Type conversionType = (parameterType.GetTypeInfo().get_IsGenericType() && (object)parameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)) ? TypeExtensions.GetGenericArguments(parameterType)[0] : parameterType; arglist[i] = Convert.ChangeType(obj, conversionType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (((object)parameterType == typeof(TimeSpan) || (object)parameterType == typeof(TimeSpan?)) && obj is string) { arglist[i] = TimeSpan.Parse((string)obj); } } } } } public IEnumerable<TestMethod> BuildFrom(IMethodInfo method, Test suite) { TestMethod test = new NUnitTestCaseBuilder().BuildTestMethod(method, suite, GetParametersForTestCase(method)); yield return test; } } }