The IMethodInfo class is used to encapsulate information
about a method in a platform-independent manner.
Gets a value indicating whether the method contains unassigned generic type parameters.
Gets a value indicating whether the method is abstract.
Gets a value indicating whether the method is a generic method.
Gets a value indicating whether the MethodInfo represents the definition of a generic method.
Gets a value indicating whether the method is public.
Gets the MethodInfo for this method.
Gets the name of the method.
Gets the return Type of the method.
Gets the Type from which this method was reflected.
Get the display name for a method with arguments
Returns the Type arguments of a generic method or the Type parameters of a generic method definition.
Gets the parameters of the method.
Invokes the method, converting any TargetInvocationException to an NUnitException.
Replaces the type parameters of the method with the array of types provided and returns a new IMethodInfo.