Namespace with 34 public types
Class used to represent the attributes of a node
Class used to represent a list of XmlResults
The ResultState class represents the outcome of running a test.
It contains two pieces of information. The Status of the test
is an enum indicating whether the test passed, failed, was
skipped or was inconclusive. The Label provides a more
detailed breakdown for use by client runners.
TNode represents a single node in the XML representation
of a Test or TestResult. It replaces System.Xml.XmlNode and
System.Xml.Linq.XElement, providing a minimal set of methods
for operating on the XML in a platform-independent manner.
The FailureSite enum indicates the stage of a test
in which an error or failure occurred.
The RunState enum indicates whether a test can be executed.
The TestStatus enum indicates the result of running a test
The IApplyToContext interface is implemented by attributes
that want to make changes to the execution context before
a test is run.
The IApplyToTest interface is implemented by self-applying
attributes that modify the state of a test in some way.
CombiningStrategy is the abstract base for classes that
know how to combine values provided for individual test
parameters to create a set of test cases.
ICommandWrapper is implemented by attributes and other
objects able to wrap a TestCommand with another command.
The IFixtureBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to
build a TestFixture from one or more Types. In general, it is exposed
by an attribute, but may be implemented in a helper class used by the
attribute in some cases.
IImplyFixture is an empty marker interface used by attributes like
TestAttribute that cause the class where they are used to be treated
as a TestFixture even without a TestFixtureAttribute.
Marker interfaces are not usually considered a good practice, but
we use it here to avoid cluttering the attribute hierarchy with
classes that don't contain any extra implementation.
The IMethodInfo class is used to encapsulate information
about a method in a platform-independent manner.
The IDataPointProvider interface is used by extensions
that provide data for a single test parameter.
The IParameterDataSource interface is implemented by types
that can provide data for a test method parameter.
The IParameterInfo interface is an abstraction of a .NET parameter.
A PropertyBag represents a collection of name/value pairs
that allows duplicate entries with the same key. Methods
are provided for adding a new pair as well as for setting
a key to a single value. All keys are strings but _values
may be of any type. Null _values are not permitted, since
a null entry represents the absence of the key.
The entries in a PropertyBag are of two kinds: those that
take a single value and those that take multiple _values.
However, the PropertyBag has no knowledge of which entries
fall into each category and the distinction is entirely
up to the code using the PropertyBag.
When working with multi-valued properties, client code
should use the Add method to add name/value pairs and
indexing to retrieve a list of all _values for a given
key. For example:
bag.Add("Tag", "one");
bag.Add("Tag", "two");
Is.EqualTo(new string[] { "one", "two" }));
When working with single-valued propeties, client code
should use the Set method to set the value and Get to
retrieve the value. The GetSetting methods may also be
used to retrieve the value in a type-safe manner while
also providing default. For example:
bag.Set("Priority", "low");
bag.Set("Priority", "high"); // replaces value
Assert.That(bag.GetSetting("Priority", "low"),
The IReflectionInfo interface is implemented by NUnit wrapper objects that perform reflection.
The ISimpleTestBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to
build a single TestMethod from a suitable MethodInfo Types. In general,
it is exposed by an attribute, but may be implemented in a helper class
used by the attribute in some cases.
The ISuiteBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to
build a suite from one or more Types.
Common interface supported by all representations
of a test. Only includes informational fields.
The Run method is specifically excluded to allow
for data-only representations of a test.
The ITestBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to
build one or more TestMethods from a MethodInfo. In general, it is exposed
by an attribute, which has additional information available to provide
the necessary test parameters to distinguish the test cases built.
The ITestCaseBuilder interface is exposed by a class that knows how to
build a test case from certain methods.
The ITestCaseData interface is implemented by a class
that is able to return complete testcases for use by
a parameterized test method.
The ITestData interface is implemented by a class that
represents a single instance of a parameterized test.
Interface to be implemented by filters applied to tests.
The filter applies when running the test, after it has been
loaded, since this is the only time an ITest exists.
The ITestCaseData interface is implemented by a class
that is able to return the data required to create an
instance of a parameterized test fixture.
The ITestListener interface is used internally to receive
notifications of significant events while a test is being
run. The events are propagated to clients by means of an
AsyncCallback. NUnit extensions may also monitor these events.
The ITestResult interface represents the result of a test.
The ITypeInfo interface is an abstraction of a .NET Type
Objects implementing this interface are used to wrap
the entire test, including SetUp and TearDown.
Objects implementing this interface are used to wrap
the TestMethodCommand itself. They apply after SetUp
has been run and before TearDown.
An object implementing IXmlNodeBuilder is able to build
an XML representation of itself and any children.