RandomGenerator returns a set of random _values in a repeatable
way, to allow re-running of tests if necessary.
This class is internal to the framework but exposed externally to through the TestContext
the class is used to allow for obtaining repeatable random _values during a tests execution.
this class should not be used inside the framework only with a TestMethod.
public const string DefaultStringChars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"
Default characters for random functions.
Seed for the wrapped Random
Constructor requires Seed value in order to store it for use in Random creation
Get Random Boolean value
Get Random Boolean value based on the probability of that value being true
Get Next Byte from Random
Get Next Byte within the specified min & max from Random
Get Next Double from Random
Return a random enum value representation of the specified Type
Get Next Float from Random
Get Next Integer from Random
Get Next Integer within the specified min & max from Random
Get Next Short from Random
Get Next Short within the specified min & max from Random
Generate a random string based on the characters from the input string.
Generate a random string based on the characters from the input string.
Generate a random string based on the characters from the input string.