Abstract base used by NUnit and NUnitLite default ITestAssemblyRunners
The TestExecutionContext for the top level WorkItem
Indicates whether a test run is complete
Indicates whether a test is loaded
Indicates whether a test is running
The tree of tests that was loaded by the builder
The test result, if a run has completed
Our settings, specified when loading the assembly
The top level WorkItem created for the assembly as a whole
Initializes a new instance of the AbstractTestAssemblyRunner class.
Count Test Cases using a filter
Create the initial TestExecutionContext used to run tests
Loads the tests found in an Assembly
Loads the tests found in an Assembly
Handle the the Completed event for the top level work item
Run selected tests and return a test result. The test is run synchronously,
and the listener interface is notified as it progresses.
Run selected tests asynchronously, notifying the listener interface as it progresses.
Initiate the test run
Signal any test run that is in process to stop. Return without error if no test is running.
Wait for the ongoing run to complete.