Enumeration of the possible error kinds.
The item is not valid with the AdditionalItems schema.
The additional properties are not valid.
ArrayExpected = 7
An array is expected.
ArrayItemNotValid = 33
An array item is not valid.
Base64Expected = 39
A Base64 string is expected.
BooleanExpected = 4
A boolean is expected.
DateTimeExpected = 18
A date time is expected.
EmailExpected = 30
An Email is expected.
The object matches the not allowed schema.
GuidExpected = 22
A valid GUID is expected.
HostnameExpected = 31
An hostname is expected.
IntegerExpected = 3
An integer is expected.
IntegerNotMultipleOf = 28
The integer is not a multiple of the given integer.
IntegerTooBig = 14
The integer is too big.
IpV4Expected = 20
An IP v4 address is expected.
IpV6Expected = 21
An IP v6 address is expected.
ItemsNotUnique = 17
The items in the array are not unique.
Additional/unspecified properties are not allowed.
NotAllOf = 24
The object is not all of the given schemas.
NotAnyOf = 23
The object is not any of the given schemas.
NotInEnumeration = 29
The value is not one of the allowed enumerations.
NotOneOf = 25
The object is not one of the given schemas.
NullExpected = 8
An array is expected.
NumberExpected = 2
A number is expected.
NumberNotMultipleOf = 27
The number is not a multiple of the given number.
NumberTooBig = 13
The number is too big.
NumberTooSmall = 12
The number is too small.
ObjectExpected = 5
An object is expected.
PatternMismatch = 9
The Regex pattern does not match.
PropertyRequired = 6
The property is required but not found.
StringExpected = 1
A string is expected.
StringTooLong = 11
The string is too long.
StringTooShort = 10
The string is too short.
TooFewItems = 16
The array contains too few items.
TooFewProperties = 38
There are too few properties in the tuple.
TooManyItems = 15
The array contains too many items.
TooManyItemsInTuple = 32
The array tuple contains too many items.
TooManyProperties = 37
There are too many properties in the object.
Unknown = 0
An unknown error.
UriExpected = 19
An URI is expected.