<PackageReference Include="NJsonSchema" Version="9.10.19" />


public enum ValidationErrorKind
Enumeration of the possible error kinds.

The item is not valid with the AdditionalItems schema.

The additional properties are not valid.

An array is expected.

An array item is not valid.

A Base64 string is expected.

A boolean is expected.

A date is expected.

A date time is expected.

An Email is expected.

The object matches the not allowed schema.

A valid GUID is expected.

An hostname is expected.

An integer is expected.

The integer is not a multiple of the given integer.

The integer is too big.

An IP v4 address is expected.

An IP v6 address is expected.

The items in the array are not unique.

Additional/unspecified properties are not allowed.

NotAllOf = 27

The object is not all of the given schemas.

NotAnyOf = 26

The object is not any of the given schemas.

The value is not one of the allowed enumerations.

NotOneOf = 28

The object is not one of the given schemas.

An array is expected.

A number is expected.

The number is not a multiple of the given number.

The number is too big.

The number is too small.

An object is expected.

The Regex pattern does not match.

The property is required but not found.

A string is expected.

The string is too long.

The string is too short.

A time is expected.

A time-span is expected.

The array contains too few items.

There are too few properties in the tuple.

The array contains too many items.

The array tuple contains too many items.

There are too many properties in the object.

Unknown = 0

An unknown error.

An URI is expected.