<PackageReference Include="NJsonSchema" Version="6.8.6197.43075" />


public static class DynamicApis
Provides dynamic access to framework APIs.
public static bool SupportsFileApis { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether file APIs are available.

public static bool SupportsWebClientApis { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether WebClient APIs are available.

public static bool SupportsXPathApis { get; }

Gets a value indicating whether XPath APIs are available.

public static void DirectoryCreateDirectory(string directory)

Creates a directory.

public static bool DirectoryExists(string filePath)

Checks whether a directory exists.

public static string DirectoryGetCurrentDirectory()

Gets the current working directory.

public static string[] DirectoryGetFiles(string directory, string filter)

Gets the files of the given directory.

public static bool FileExists(string filePath)

Checks whether a file exists.

public static string FileReadAllText(string filePath)

Reads all content of a file (UTF8).

public static void FileWriteAllText(string filePath, string text)

Writes text to a file (UTF8).

public static string HttpGet(string url)

Request the given URL via HTTP.

public static string PathCombine(string path1, string path2)

Combines two paths.

public static string PathGetDirectoryName(string filePath)

Gets the directory path of a file path.

public static string XPathEvaluate(XDocument document, string path)

Evaluates the XPath for a given XML document.