<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Win32.Registry" Version="4.7.0" />


public enum RegistryHive
Represents the possible values for a top-level node on a foreign machine.
ClassesRoot = -2147483648

Represents the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT base key on another computer. This value can be passed to the OpenRemoteBaseKey method, to open this node remotely.

CurrentConfig = -2147483643

Represents the HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG base key on another computer. This value can be passed to the OpenRemoteBaseKey method, to open this node remotely.

CurrentUser = -2147483647

Represents the HKEY_CURRENT_USER base key on another computer. This value can be passed to the OpenRemoteBaseKey method, to open this node remotely.

LocalMachine = -2147483646

Represents the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE base key on another computer. This value can be passed to the OpenRemoteBaseKey method, to open this node remotely.

PerformanceData = -2147483644

Represents the HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA base key on another computer. This value can be passed to the OpenRemoteBaseKey method, to open this node remotely.

Users = -2147483645

Represents the HKEY_USERS base key on another computer. This value can be passed to the OpenRemoteBaseKey method, to open this node remotely.