<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client" Version="6.0.0" />


Namespace with 26 public types


 ByteRangeStreamContent implementation which provides a byte range view over a stream used to generate HTTP 206 (Partial Content) byte range responses. The supports one or more byte ranges regardless of whether the ranges are consecutive or not. If there is only one range then a single partial response body containing a Content-Range header is generated. If there are more than one ranges then a multipart/byteranges response is generated where each body part contains a range indicated by the associated Content-Range header field.
 HttpMessageContent Derived class which can encapsulate an or an as an entity with media type "application/http".
 InvalidByteRangeException An exception thrown by in case none of the requested ranges overlap with the current extend of the selected resource. The current extend of the resource is indicated in the ContentRange property.
 MultipartFileData Represents a multipart file data.
 MultipartFileStreamProvider Represents an suited for writing each MIME body parts of the MIME multipart message to a file using a .
 MultipartFormDataStreamProvider Represents an suited for use with HTML file uploads for writing file content to a .
 MultipartMemoryStreamProvider Represents a multipart memory stream provider.
 MultipartRelatedStreamProvider Represents the provider for the multipart related multistream.
 MultipartRemoteFileData Represents a multipart file data for remote storage.
 ObjectContent Contains a value as well as an associated that will be used to serialize the value when writing this content.
 ObjectContent`1 Generic form of .
 PushStreamContent Enables scenarios where a data producer wants to write directly (either synchronously or asynchronously) using a stream.
 RemoteStreamInfo Represents the result for .
 UnsupportedMediaTypeException Defines an exception type for signalling that a request's media type was not supported.

Static Classes

 HttpClientExtensions Extension methods that aid in making formatted requests using .
 HttpClientFactory Represents the factory for creating new instance of .
 HttpContentExtensions Specifies extension methods to allow strongly typed objects to be read from HttpContent instances.
 HttpContentFormDataExtensions Extension methods to read HTML form URL-encoded datafrom instances.
 HttpContentMessageExtensions Provides extension methods to read and entities from instances.
 HttpContentMultipartExtensions Extension methods to read MIME multipart entities from instances.
 HttpRequestHeadersExtensions Provides extension methods for the class.
 HttpResponseHeadersExtensions Provides extension methods for the class.
 UriExtensions Contains extension methods to allow strongly typed objects to be read from the query component of instances.

Abstract Classes

 MultipartFormDataRemoteStreamProvider A implementation suited for use with HTML file uploads for writing file content to a remote storage . The stream provider looks at the Content-Disposition header field and determines an output remote based on the presence of a filename parameter. If a filename parameter is present in the Content-Disposition header field, then the body part is written to a remote provided by . Otherwise it is written to a .
 MultipartStreamProvider Represents a stream provider that examines the headers provided by the MIME multipart parser as part of the MIME multipart extension methods (see ) and decides what kind of stream to return for the body part to be written to.