<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client" Version="5.2.7" />


Namespace with 16 public types


 HttpMessageContent Derived class which can encapsulate an or an as an entity with media type "application/http".
 MultipartMemoryStreamProvider Provides a implementation that returns a instance. This facilitates deserialization or other manipulation of the contents in memory.
 MultipartRelatedStreamProvider An suited for reading MIME body parts following the multipart/related media type as defined in RFC 2387 (see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2387.txt).
 ObjectContent Contains a value as well as an associated that will be used to serialize the value when writing this content.
 ObjectContent`1 Generic form of .
 PushStreamContent Provides an implementation that exposes an output which can be written to directly. The ability to push data to the output stream differs from the where data is pulled and not pushed.
 UnsupportedMediaTypeException Defines an exception type for signalling that a request's media type was not supported.

Static Classes

 HttpClientExtensions Extension methods that aid in making formatted requests using .
 HttpContentExtensions Extension methods to allow strongly typed objects to be read from instances.
 HttpContentMessageExtensions Extension methods to read and entities from instances.
 HttpContentMultipartExtensions Extension methods to read MIME multipart entities from instances.
 UriExtensions Extension methods to allow strongly typed objects to be read from the query component of instances.

Abstract Classes

 MultipartStreamProvider An implementation examines the headers provided by the MIME multipart parser as part of the MIME multipart extension methods (see ) and decides what kind of stream to return for the body part to be written to.